イギリスの休戦記念日につける追悼の「ポピー」、イスラム教徒はどうする? / ハフィントンポスト各国版 本日のスプラッシュ 11月7日

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各国版本日のスプラッシュ 11月7日
US(アメリカ)版スプラッシュ 11月7日(01 of08)
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RECORD GREENHOUSE GASES – AGAIN! 温室効果ガスの記録、再び!\n\n11月6日、世界気象機関(WMO)は二酸化炭素などの温室効果ガスの世界的な平均濃度が2012年に過去最高となったと発表しました。このまま増加し続けると、破滅的な結果を招きかねないとWMOのミッシェル・ジャロー事務局長は述べています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
イタリア版スプラッシュ 11月7日(02 of08)
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\"RENZI HA RAGIONE, SERVONO I CIMITERI DEI BIMBI MAI NATI\" 生まれてこなかった子供の墓を作ろうというレンツィ市長は正しい\n\nフィレンツェのマテオ・レンツィ市長は中絶された胎児のための墓地を造成することを表明しました。これに対して、ミラノのマンジャガッリ病院の医師アレッサンドラ・クステルマン氏は「女性の悲しみを克服する手助けになるだろう」と評価しています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
カナダ版スプラッシュ 11月7日(03 of08)
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CHIP SHOT チップショット\n\nカナダ・バンクーバー発のヨガウェアブランド「ルルレモン」の創業者チップ・ウィルソンがブルームバーグTVのインタビューに答え、同社製のヨガパンツがスケスケになったり、すぐに毛羽立ってしまう問題に対して、「女性の体型はヨガパンツには合わない」と発言しました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
スペイン版スプラッシュ 11月7日(04 of08)
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REPARTO DE CULPA ちょっとした罪\n\nエラスムス・ムンドゥス(EUの留学推進制度)、モンクロア・キャンパス(マドリード大学都市)などの教育関連予算の削減が議論される中、ホセ・イグナシオ教育担当大臣は、エラスムス・ムンドゥスに関して予算を確保する方針を表明しました。 (credit:Huffington Post)
ドイツ版スプラッシュ 11月7日(05 of08)
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DIE DUNKLE SEITE DER KATHOLISCHEN KIRCHE カトリック新学校の暗部\n\n著書『第十一の戒め』で、カトリック神学校の乱れた性、欺瞞、同性愛嫌悪を告発したゲイの神学生ダニエル・ビューリング氏にインタビュー。「神学校内の問題を私は何度も訴えた。しかし校長は聞く耳を持たなかった」と述べています。 (credit:Huffington Post)
フランス版スプラッシュ 11月7日(06 of08)
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SILENCE GÊNÉ 沈黙の遺伝子\n\n11月7日は、アルジェリア生まれの作家アルベール・カミュの生誕100周年。しかしカミュに対するさまざまな「誤解」から、100周年を祝う催しは限られたものになっていることが議論を呼んでいます。 (credit:Huffington Post)
マグレブ(アフリカ北西部)版スプラッシュ 11月7日(07 of08)
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LA PREUVE? 証拠?\n\nパレスチナ自治政府のヤセル・アラファト前議長の遺体から通常より18倍の放射性物質ポロニウムが検出され、毒殺された可能性が高まったことを伝えています。パレスチナでは「イスラエルによる毒殺」説が根強く残っていますが、イスラエル政府は一貫して否定します。 (credit:Huffington Post)
日本版スプラッシュ 11月7日(08 of08)
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どこまでが秘密? \n\n国家機密を漏洩した公務員らへの罰則を強化する特定秘密保護法案が11月7日、衆院本会議で審議入りしました。政府・与党は今国会での成立を目指すが、国民の「知る権利」が侵害されるという指摘もあり、どんな法案になるのかで綱引きが続いています。 (credit:Huffington Post)


Connect The Dots On Climate Change
A Bumpier Ride?(01 of17)
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Researchers in Britain have found that climate change could cause increased turbulence for transatlantic flights by between 10 and 40 percent by 2050.\n\n\n(ALEXANDER KLEIN/AFP/GettyImages) (credit:Getty Images)
Not A Drop To Drink(02 of17)
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A 2012 study from the U.S. Forest Service found that without \"major adaptation efforts,\" parts of the U.S. are likely to see \"substantial future water shortages.\" Climate change, especially for the Southwest U.S., can both increase water demand and decrease water supply. (credit:Flickr:GSEC)
An International Tragedy(03 of17)
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Research by British government found that climate change may have contributed to a famine in East Africa that killed between 50,000 and 100,000 people in 2010 and 2011. At least 24 percent of the cause of a lack of major rains in 2011 can be attributed to man-made greenhouse gases, Met Office modeling showed.\n\n(TONY KARUMBA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
A Mighty Wind(04 of17)
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The dramatic and rapid loss of sea ice in recent years has consequences beyond the Arctic. Scientists have found the melting shifts the position of the Jet Stream, bringing cold Arctic air further south and increasing the odds of intense snow storms and extreme spring weather.\n (credit:Flickr:NASA ICE)
An Itch You Can't Scratch(05 of17)
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Research indicates that increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide result in larger poison ivy plants. Even worse, climate change will mean that the plant\'s irritating oil will also get more potent. (credit:Flickr:tvnewsbadge)
Worsening Allergies(06 of17)
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The spring 2013 allergy season could be one of the worst ever, thanks to climate change. Experts say that increased precipitation, along with an early spring, late-ending fall and higher levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide may bring more pollen from plants and increased mold and fungal growth. (credit:Flickr:typexnick)
Gators In The Yard(07 of17)
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North American alligators require a certain temperature range for survival and reproduction, traditionally limiting them to the southern U.S. But warming temperatures could open new turf to gators with more sightings farther north.\n (credit:Flickr:rkramer62)
Melting Blitz In South America(08 of17)
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High in the Peruvian Andes, parts of the world\'s largest tropical ice sheet have melted at an unbelievable pace. Scientists found that significant portions of the Quelccaya Ice Cap that took over 1,600 years to form have melted in only 25 years.\n\n(Perito Moreno Glacier pictured) (credit:Flickr:nestor galina)
Wine To Go?(09 of17)
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Along with other agricultural impacts, climate change may have a dramatic effect on the world\'s most famous winemaking regions in coming decades. Areas suitable for grape cultivation may shrink, and temperature changes may impact the signature taste of wines from certain regions.\n (credit:Flickr:jenny downing)
Home Sweet Home(10 of17)
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Thanks to climate change, low-lying island nations may have to evacuate, and sooner than previously expected. Melting of the Greenland and west Antarctic ice sheets has been underestimated, scientists say, and populations in countries like the Maldives, Kiribati, Tuvalu and others may need to move within a decade.\n\n (credit:Flickr:luigig)
Trouble On The Ice(11 of17)
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Warmer winters in northern latitudes could mean fewer days for outdoor hockey. An online project called RinkWatch aims to collect data on the condition of outdoor winter ice rinks in Canada and the northern U.S. and educate people on the impacts of climate change. (credit:Flickr:jpowers65)
A Damper On Your Raw Bar?(12 of17)
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Experts speculate that warming oceans may have played a part in a strain of herpes that has killed Pacific oysters in Europe in recent years. (credit:Flickr:Fifth World Art)
The Color-Changing Bears(13 of17)
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As Arctic ice melts and polar bears see more of their habitat disappear, the animals could lose their famous white coats. Researchers have already witnessed polar bears hybridizing with their brown cousins, but note that it would take thousands of years from them to adapt themselves out of existence. (credit:Flickr:U.S. Geological Survey)
Less Time On The Chair Lift(14 of17)
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Climate change means warmer winters in northern latitudes and a shorter ski season. By 2039, more than half of the Northeast\'s ski resorts will not be able to maintain a 100-day season, according to the New York Times. \n\nSki areas will be less likely to receive regular snowfall, and warmer daily low temperatures mean fewer opportunities for snowmaking. (credit:Flickr:kmohman)
Sour Apples(15 of17)
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Apples produced in one Himalayan state of India are already losing their taste and even turning sour, experts say. Increased rainfall and erratic weather in the region mean less than ideal conditions for famously-sweet Kashmiri apples.\n (credit:Flickr:Fifi Banana)
A Tough Time For Mushers(16 of17)
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With climate change already impacting northern latitudes, warmer winters in Alaska could mean less than ideal conditions for the famous Iditarod sled dog race. “It definitely has us concerned,” a musher and Iditarod spokeswoman who\'s already breeding dogs with thinner coats told The New York Times. (credit:Flickr:Alaskan Dude)
A Cold Cup Of Coffee(17 of17)
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Climate change may dramatically shrink the area suitable for coffee cultivation by the end of the century and cause the extinction of Arabica coffee plants in the wild. Starbucks has already declared that \"Addressing climate change is a priority.\" (credit:Flickr:Maverick Dal)


Albert Camus vu par l'INA
(01 of01)
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7 Hippie Companies That Aren't As Liberal As You Think
Urban Outfitters(01 of07)
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Despite being known for edgy and controversial clothing, Urban Outfitters CEO Richard Hayne\'s support of anti-gay marriage presidential candidate Rick Santorum led to a boycott, according to the Washington Post. (credit:Scott Eells/Getty Images)
Whole Foods(02 of07)
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Whole Foods CEO John Mackey wrote in January 2013 that Obamacare wasn\'t a form socialism -- as he had called it in 2009 -- but \"more like fascism.\" (credit:(Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images))
Lululemon Athletica(03 of07)
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Yoga apparel retailer Lululemon Athletica may have annoyed some of its more egalitarian customers when it included a quote from Ayn Rand\'s famously pro-capitalist novel Atlas Shrugged on its bags, the New York Times reported. Founder and chairman Dennis J. Wilson is a known fan of the book. (credit:AP)
New Balance(04 of07)
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New Balance customers ran a petition on Change.org after Chairman Jim Davis donated $500,000 to pro-Mitt Romney Super PAC Restore Our Future. New Balance\'s CEO released a statement in response, reaffirming the company\'s support of gay marriage. (credit:RAVEENDRAN/AFP/Getty Images)
Coachella(05 of07)
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The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival is a popular destination for forward-thinking music lovers, but the brand ran into some hot water when Philip Anschutz, head of its parent company AEG, made a $50,000 donation to a Boehner-linked Super PAC, according to ThinkProgress. (credit:WikiMedia:)
TOMS(06 of07)
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TOMS shoes founder and CEO Blake Mycoskie found himself called out after speaking at an event hosted by Focus on the Family, an anti-abortion group. Mycoskie later claimed he was unaware of the \"full extent of Focus on the Family\'s beliefs.\" (credit:Flickr:iamsuperkane)
GoDaddy.com(07 of07)
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Ex-CEO of GoDaddy.com Bob Parsons caused a controversy when he uploaded a video of himself hunting an elephant. He was replaced as CEO shortly after. (credit:Christian Petersen/Getty Images)