ウクライナとロシアに直接対話を要請 潘基文・国連事務総長

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[キエフ 21日 ロイター]


NOV. 22: Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych decides to (01 of19)
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(credit:Getty Images)
Nov. 24: Some (02 of19)
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Some hundred thousand Ukrainians hit the streets of the capital Kiev to protest the presidential decision. (credit:Getty)
(03 of19)
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Special forces resort to tear gas and batons to disperse the demonstrators. (credit:Getty)
November 29, 2013(04 of19)
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Yanukovich once again rejects the European agreement at a EU top in Vilnius. Pro-Europe protesters who had gathered at Kiev’s Independence Square erupt in tears. Counter-demonstrators cheer the news. (credit:Getty)
(05 of19)
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Protesters clash with police and occupy several government buildings. (credit:Getty)
December 8, 2013(06 of19)
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Protesters topple a statue of Lenin in the capital Kiev. (credit:Getty)
December 11, 2013(07 of19)
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Riot police move in to clear the encampment on Kiev\'s Independence Square (credit:Getty)
December 15, 2013(08 of19)
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The EU is tired of Yanukovich\'s flip-flopping and suspends talks with the Ukrainian government. (credit:Getty)
December 17, 2013(09 of19)
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Russia throws the Ukrainian government a lifeline and agrees to a $15 billion bailout. (credit:Getty)
December 25, 2013(10 of19)
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Unknown assailants beat up Tetyana Chornovil, a Ukrainian opposition activist and journalist known for her scathing reports about government corruption, hours after she published an article on the assets of top government officials. The attack reinvigorates the protesters. (credit:Getty)
January 16, 2013 (11 of19)
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Ukraine\'s parliament adopts sweeping anti-protest laws. (credit:Getty )
January 19, 2013 (12 of19)
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Massive clashes erupt in response. (credit:Getty)
(13 of19)
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January 22 - 23, 2013 (14 of19)
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Three protesters are killed as security forces move against the protest camps. Kiev burns. (credit:Ilya Varlamov/Zyalt.livejournal.com)
(15 of19)
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(credit:Ilya Varlamov/Zyalt.livejournal.com)
(16 of19)
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(credit:Ilya Varlamov/Zyalt.livejournal.com)
January 24, 2013(17 of19)
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The protests continue despite the violence of the past days. Opposition protesters seize more government buildings. (credit:Getty)
January 27, 2014(18 of19)
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A dead man is found hanging on Kiev\'s Independence Square. (credit:Getty)
January 28, 2013(19 of19)
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Ukraine repeals the hated anti-protest laws. Opposition leader Arseny Yatsenyuk refuses Yanukovich\'s offer to become prime minister. Ukraine\'s prime minister Mykola Azarov and his cabinet resign. Protesters slam Yanukovich for clinching to power. (credit:Getty)