バービーがシャチのトレーナーの仕事を辞める マテル社が表明、その理由は?





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シーワールドのバービー。 Photo: Mattel

ハフポストUS版はマテル社に対し、シャチトレーナーのバービー人形の製造を中止した理由を尋ねたが、回答は得られていない。しかし、マテル社の広報担当者アレックス・クラーク氏はNBC Newsに対し「こういった決定の背景には、さまざまな要因がある」と話した上で「ライセンス契約の期間が終了したが、契約を更新しないことを決定した」と説明している。


「美しい野生動物に接する一番いい方法が、彼らを捕獲してバスタブ同然の場所に住まわせ芸を仕込むことだ、なんて子供たちに伝えるのは正しいことではないと私は思います」と、動物愛護団体の「Animal Legal Defense Fund」で弁護士を務めるカーター・ディラード氏はメールで説明する。

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Current thinking is that toy reviews like this one on the Toys R Us website might have something to do with the decision.













(01 of18)
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A Humpback whale jumps in the surface of the Pacific Ocean at the Uramba Bahia Malaga natural park in Colombia, on July 16, 2013. Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) migrate annually from the Antarctic Peninsula to peek into the Colombian Pacific Ocean coast, with an approximate distance of 8,500 km, to give birth and nurse their young. Humpback whales have a life cycle of 50 years or so and is about 18 meters. AFP PHOTO/Luis ROBAYO (credit:Getty Images)
(02 of18)
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A Humpback whale jumps in the surface of the Pacific Ocean at the Uramba Bahia Malaga natural park in Colombia, on July 16, 2013. Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) migrate annually from the Antarctic Peninsula to peek into the Colombian Pacific Ocean coast, with an approximate distance of 8,500 km, to give birth and nurse their young. Humpback whales have a life cycle of 50 years or so and is about 18 meters. AFP PHOTO/Luis ROBAYO (credit:Getty Images)
(03 of18)
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A Humpback whale jumps in the surface of the Pacific Ocean at the Uramba Bahia Malaga natural park in Colombia, on July 16, 2013. Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) migrate annually from the Antarctic Peninsula to peek into the Colombian Pacific Ocean coast, with an approximate distance of 8,500 km, to give birth and nurse their young. Humpback whales have a life cycle of 50 years or so and are about 18 meters long. AFP PHOTO/Luis ROBAYO (credit:Getty Images)
(04 of18)
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A Humpback whale jumps in the surface of the Pacific Ocean at the Uramba Bahia Malaga natural park in Colombia, on July 16, 2013. Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) migrate annually from the Antarctic Peninsula to peek into the Colombian Pacific Ocean coast, with an approximate distance of 8,500 km, to give birth and nurse their young. Humpback whales have a life cycle of 50 years or so and are about 18 meters long. AFP PHOTO/Luis ROBAYO (credit:Getty Images)
(05 of18)
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NUUK, GREENLAND - JULY 27: Boats follow a whale as it swims in the water on July 27, 2013 in Nuuk, Greenland. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
(06 of18)
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A whale jumps to the surface off the coast of Libreville in Gabon on August 19, 2013. AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE BERRY (credit:Getty Images)
(07 of18)
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A Southern Right Whale breaches on September 5, 2013 in Hermanus, which has become known as a mecca for whale watching. During the southern hemisphere winter months (June - October) the Southern Right Whales migrate to the coastal waters of South Africa, with in excess of 100 whales known to be in the Hermanus area. Whilst in the area, the whales can be seen with their young as they come to Walker Bay to calve and mate. AFP PHOTO / ALEXANDER JOE (credit:Getty Images)
(08 of18)
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A Southern Right Whale breaches on September 5, 2013 in Hermanus, which has become known as a mecca for whale watching. During the southern hemisphere winter months (June - October) the Southern Right Whales migrate to the coastal waters of South Africa, with in excess of 100 whales known to be in the Hermanus area. Whilst in the area, the whales can be seen with their young as they come to Walker Bay to calve and mate. AFP PHOTO / ALEXANDER JOE (credit:Getty Images)
(09 of18)
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A humpback whale tail breaches off Sydney Heads at the beginning of whale watching season during a Manly Whale Watching tour on June 23, 2011 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
(10 of18)
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A humpback whale emerges from the surface of the Pacific Ocean at the Uramba Bahia Malaga natural park in Colombia, on July 22, 2011. (LUIS ROBAYO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
(11 of18)
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A humpback whale is seen breaching outside of Sydney Heads at the beginning of whale watching season during a Manly Whale Watching tour on June 23, 2011 in Sydney, Australia. (credit:Getty)
(12 of18)
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In this photo taken July 21, 2011, a baby gray whale is seen with its mother in the Klamath River in Klamath, Calif. (credit:AP)
(13 of18)
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An 8.5 metre-long juvenile humpback whale remains stranded on Anaconda beach in La Paloma, department of Rocha, in southeastern Uruguay, on January 27, 2011. AFP (credit:CHANGO FIGUEREDO/AFP/Getty)
(14 of18)
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A humpback whale is seen breaching outside of Sydney Heads at the beginning of whale watching season during a Manly Whale Watching tour on June 23, 2011 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Cameron Spencer/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
(15 of18)
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The tail of a humpback whale emerges from the surface of the Pacific Ocean at the Uramba Bahia Malaga natural park in Colombia, on July 22, 2011. (LUIS ROBAYO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
(16 of18)
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A franco-austral whale surfaces off the coast of Antoniopolis, in the Uruguayan department of Rocha, 220 km east of Montevideo, on September 22, 2012 during the migration to the south. AFP PHOTO/Pablo PORCIUNCULA (credit:Getty Images)
(17 of18)
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A franco-austral whale surfaces off the coast of Antoniopolis, in the Uruguayan department of Rocha, 220 km east of Montevideo, on September 22, 2012 during the migration to the south. AFP PHOTO/Pablo PORCIUNCULA (credit:Getty Images)
(18 of18)
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A Franco-austral whale surfaces off the coast of Arachania, Rocha, 225 km east of Montevideo, Uruguay, on September 21, 2012 during the migration to the south. AFP PHOTO/Pablo PORCIUNCULA (credit:Getty Images)


未来のつくりかた――ダイバーシティの先へ 2015年5月16日(土)14:00開始

グローバル人材、アジアの女性、子育てしやすい国、これからの働きかた――。小室淑恵さんや瀬谷ルミ子さんら有識者のほか、アジア各国版の編集主幹と「多様性」についてディスカッションします。 詳細は、こちらから



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