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震災復興 画像集
東日本大震災・手を合わせる女性 (01 of23)
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東日本大震災から2年半を迎え、多数の犠牲者が出た宮城県南三陸町の防災庁舎前で手を合わせる女性=11日午後 \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/11 (credit:時事通信社)
気仙沼に秋の味覚(02 of23)
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東日本大震災から2年半の11日、宮城県気仙沼市の気仙沼漁港で今季初のサンマが水揚げされた。北海道沖で捕れた約80トンを水揚げしたのは第六安洋丸(同県石巻市)。同港に係留中、津波で陸に打ち上げられたが、修理して出漁している。漁労長は「今年は群れが薄くて苦労したが、大きいものが捕れてほっとしている」と話した。 \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/11 (credit:時事通信社)
東日本大震災・第十八共徳丸とコスモス(03 of23)
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朝日に照らされる「第十八共徳丸」とコスモス=11日午前、宮城県気仙沼市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/09/11 (credit:時事通信社)
東日本大震災・2年半ぶりに灯った明かり (04 of23)
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宮城県石巻市の長面(ながつら)、尾崎(おのさき)地区に25日、東日本大震災以来約2年半ぶりに電気が届いた。同地区は居住が認められない「災害危険区域」だが、仕事などで日中滞在する住民らにとっては待望のライフライン。東京電力福島第1原発事故による帰還困難区域を除いた被災地では最後の復旧となった。水産業に従事する小川英樹さん(32歳、中央)は「電気がきたことによって、できる作業の幅が広がる。これが復興の第一歩」と作業場に灯った明かりを見上げた。 \n\n撮影日: 2013/08/25 (credit:時事通信社)
大熊町のJR大野駅構内 (05 of23)
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立ち入りが規制されている福島第1原発がある福島県大熊町のJR常磐線大野駅構内。 \n\n撮影日: 2013/08/15 (credit:時事通信社)
漁業の復興・生イカの水揚げ (06 of23)
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日本有数の漁獲量を誇る八戸漁港の市場に水揚げされる生鮮スルメイカ。東日本大震災の被害から復興が進むものの、円安による原油価格の高騰が漁業関係者の痛手となっている=1日午後、青森県八戸市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/08/01 (credit:時事通信社)
仙台七夕まつり (07 of23)
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商店街に鮮やかな吹き流しが飾られた「仙台七夕まつり」。今年のテーマは、東日本大震災の復興への思いと、全国の支援者の気持ちをつなげていくとの意味を込めた「つなぐ」=6日夜、宮城県仙台市内 \n\n撮影日: 2013/08/06 (credit:時事通信社)
jlp15031626(08 of23)
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スイカ割りで祝う3年ぶり海開き (09 of23)
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東日本大震災以来3年ぶりの海開きで行われたスイカ割り大会=7月28日、茨城県北茨城市の磯原二ツ島海水浴場 \n\n撮影日: 2013/07/28 (credit:時事通信社)
被災地つなぐ1000キロリレー (10 of23)
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東日本大震災の被災地をランニングと自転車で駆け抜ける「未来(あした)への道1000キロ縦断リレー」が行われている。25日に青森県八戸市を出発し、約700人のランナーが東京(8月7日)までたすきをつなぐ。30日はバルセロナ五輪金メダリストの岩崎恭子さんらが津波の爪痕が残る宮城県南三陸町の防災庁舎前を通過した(写真)。コースは東京五輪が実現した場合の聖火リレーのルートを想定している。 \n\n撮影日: 2013/07/30 (credit:時事通信社)
日本酒を購入する安倍首相 (11 of23)
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「南三陸さんさん商店街」で日本酒を購入する安倍晋三首相=29日午後、宮城県南三陸町[代表撮影] \n\n撮影日: 2013/07/29 (credit:時事通信社)
3年ぶりに復活したトコヤッサイ (12 of23)
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東日本大震災で開催が途切れ、3年ぶりに復活した創作踊り「トコヤッサイ」のコンテスト=27日午後、宮城県南三陸町 \n\n撮影日: 2013/07/27 (credit:時事通信社)
成長する松の苗木 (13 of23)
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高田松原の松ぼっくりから採れた種から育った松の苗木=3日、岩手県陸前高田市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/07/03 (credit:時事通信社)
福島の海水浴場 (14 of23)
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東日本大震災のがれき撤去が終わり、3年ぶりに海開きした四倉海水浴場。東京電力福島第1原発事故による放射能汚染水漏れの風評被害で訪れる海水浴客もまばら=15日午前、福島県いわき市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/07/15 (credit:時事通信社)
福島県いわき市で3年ぶりの海開き (15 of23)
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東日本大震災のがれき撤去が終わり、3年ぶりに海開きした四倉海水浴場。打ち寄せる波に子どもたちが歓声を上げていた=15日午前、福島県いわき市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/07/15 (credit:時事通信社)
プロ野球球宴・黙とうする全セマスコットキャラクター (16 of23)
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試合前、東日本大震災の犠牲者に黙とうをささげる全セのマスコットキャラクター=22日、福島・いわきグリーンスタジアム \n\n撮影日: 2013/07/22 (credit:時事通信社)
漁業の復興・サメの水揚げ (17 of23)
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東日本大震災の津波で被災した気仙沼港に水揚げされたモウカザメ。高級食材のフカヒレが切り取られ、身は加工食品などの原料となる=5月23日午前、宮城県気仙沼市の気仙沼漁港 \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/23 (credit:時事通信社)
「千年希望の丘」が完成 (18 of23)
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東日本大震災の津波で生じたがれきを使い造成された「千年希望の丘」。津波の勢いを弱めるための防災拠点、震災の教訓を後世に伝える公園の役割も持たせる=9日午前、宮城県岩沼市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/09 (credit:時事通信社)
飛行するブルーインパルス (19 of23)
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「東北六魂祭」で、上空に白いスモークでハートマークを描く航空自衛隊の「ブルーインパルス」=1日午後、福島市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/01 (credit:時事通信社)
飛行するブルーインパルス (20 of23)
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東北六魂祭パレードが行われる国道4号の上空を飛行するブルーインパルス=1日午後、福島市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/01 (credit:時事通信社)
パレードの青森ねぶた (21 of23)
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福島市で2日間にわたり行われた「東北六魂祭」が2日、閉幕した。福島わらじまつりや青森ねぶた祭など東北6県の夏祭りが勢ぞろいし、東日本大震災の鎮魂と復興を祈った。来場者数は計25万人に上った。写真は2日目のパレードに登場した青森ねぶた=2日午後、福島市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/02 (credit:時事通信社)
六魂祭の山形花笠まつり (22 of23)
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東北六魂祭2日目のパレードで、練り歩く山形花笠まつりの踊り子=2日午後、福島市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/06/02 (credit:時事通信社)
被災地の仮設商店街 (23 of23)
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東日本大震災の被災地で営業する仮設商店街=5月23日、宮城県気仙沼市 \n\n撮影日: 2013/05/23 (credit:時事通信社)
Japan Commemorate Three Months Anniversary Of Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake And Tsunami(01 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - JUNE 11: Members of the Utatsu Junior High School baseball team pray for their coach who went missing at Minamisanriku City Hall Disaster Prevention Center in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in front of the remaning frame of the destroyed building on June 11, 2011 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi, Japan. Japanese government has been struggling to deal with the earthquake and tsunami as well as the troubled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The fear on outbreak of virus infectious disease are mounting due to the humid rainy season on the corner and delay of the clearing the debris. (Photo by Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorate Three Months Anniversary Of Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake And Tsunami(02 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - JUNE 11: Members of the Utatsu Junior High School baseball team pray for their coach who went missing at Minamisanriku City Hall Disaster Prevention Center in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in front of the remaning frame of the destroyed building on June 11, 2011 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi, Japan. Japanese government has been struggling to deal with the earthquake and tsunami as well as the troubled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The fear on outbreak of virus infectious disease are mounting due to the humid rainy season on the corner and delay of the clearing the debris. (Photo by Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan To Mark 2nd Anniversary Of Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake And Tsunami(03 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 09: A man walks past ruins in the coastal town of Minamisanriku, that was 95 percent destroyed by the tsunami that followed the 2011 9.0 magnitude earthquake, March 9, 2013 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi prefecture, Japan. On March 11 Japan is to commemorate second anniversary of Magnitude 9.0 earthquake and following tsunami, that claimed more than 18,000 lives. (Photo by Ken Ishii/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorate Three Months Anniversary Of Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake And Tsunami(04 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - JUNE 11: A man looks at the remaning frame of the destroyed Minamisanriku City Hall Disaster Prevention Center on June 11, 2011 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi, Japan. Japanese government has been struggling to deal with the earthquake and tsunami as well as the troubled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The fear on outbreak of virus infectious disease are mounting due to the humid rainy season on the corner and delay of the clearing the debris. (Photo by Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorates First Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami(05 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 11: Students, volunteering to help clean the Shizukawa river from Kanto region, gather to their pay respects to tsunami victims at the site of the Minamisanriku Disaster Emergency Center headquarters now seen as a symbol of the tsunami, destroyed during last year\'s tsunami on March 11, 2012 near Ishinomaki, Japan. On the one year anniversary, the areas most affected by last year\'s March 11, 2011 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing according to Japan\'s National Police Agency, continue to struggle. Thousands of people still remain without homes living in temporary dwellings. The Japanese government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods. Across the country people are taking part in ceremonies to pay respects to the people who lost their lives. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Prepares To Mark One Year Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami(06 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 05: Tei Eiki (R), 63, from Sendai cries after having paid her respects to the victims of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in front of the ruined Minamisanriku Disaster Emergency Center headquarters during a bus tour of the devastated area\'s on March 05, 2012 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi prefecture in northeastern Japan. As the one year anniversary approaches, the area\'s most affected by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing according to Japan\'s National Police Agency continue to struggle. Thousands of people still remain without homes living in temporary dwellings. The Japanese government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Prepares To Mark One Year Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami(07 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 05: Japanese tourists gather in front of the ruined Minamisanriku Disaster Emergency Center headquarters, to learn about the effects of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami during a bus tour of the devastated area\'s on March 05, 2012 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi prefecture in northeastern Japan. As the one year anniversary approaches, the area\'s most affected by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing according to Japan\'s National Police Agency continue to struggle. Thousands of people still remain without homes living in temporary dwellings. The Japanese government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorates First Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami(08 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 11: Students, volunteering to help clean the Shizukawa river from Kanto region, gather to their pay respects to tsunami victims at the site of the Minamisanriku Disaster Emergency Center headquarters now seen as a symbol of the tsunami, destroyed during last year\'s tsunami on March 11, 2012 near Ishinomaki, Japan. On the one year anniversary, the areas most affected by last year\'s March 11, 2011 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing according to Japan\'s National Police Agency, continue to struggle. Thousands of people still remain without homes living in temporary dwellings. The Japanese government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods. Across the country people are taking part in ceremonies to pay respects to the people who lost their lives. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorates First Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami(09 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 11: Students, volunteering to help clean the Shizukawa river from Kanto region, gather to their pay respects to tsunami victims at the site of the Minamisanriku Disaster Emergency Center headquarters now seen as a symbol of the tsunami, destroyed during last year\'s tsunami on March 11, 2012 near Ishinomaki, Japan. On the one year anniversary, the areas most affected by last year\'s March 11, 2011 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing according to Japan\'s National Police Agency, continue to struggle. Thousands of people still remain without homes living in temporary dwellings. The Japanese government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods. Across the country people are taking part in ceremonies to pay respects to the people who lost their lives. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorates First Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami(10 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 11: Classmates (L) Yasuka Shirota, 34 and Mika Oba, 34, both from Yamagata, touched by the destruction of the tsunami, both repeatedly drive 2.5 hours every weekend to do volunteer work and to pay their respects at a shrine set up at the site of the Minamisanriku Disaster Emergency Center headquarterson, destroyed during last year\'s tsunami March 11, 2012 near Ishinomaki, Japan. On the one year anniversary, the areas most affected by last year\'s March 11, 2011 earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing according to Japan\'s National Police Agency, continue to struggle. Thousands of people still remain without homes living in temporary dwellings. The Japanese government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods. Across the country people are taking part in ceremonies to pay respects to the people who lost their lives. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Prepares To Mark One Year Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami(11 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 05: People look out of a bus window as they visit the Minamisanriku Disaster Emergency Center headquarters, during a bus tour to learn about the effects of last year\'s March 11 earthquake and tsunami on March 05, 2012 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi prefecture in northeastern Japan. As the one year anniversary approaches, the areas most affected by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing according to Japan\'s National Police Agency continue to struggle. Thousands of people still remain without homes living in temporary dwellings. The Japanese government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Prepares To Mark One Year Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami(12 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 05: Mr Yonekura, 55, a hotel manager and tour guide, informs Japanese tourists, during a bus tour to learn about the effects of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami as they gather in front of the ruined Minamisanriku Disaster Emergency Center headquarters, on March 05, 2012 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi prefecture in northeastern Japan. As the one year anniversary approaches, the areas most affected by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing according to Japan\'s National Police Agency continue to struggle. Thousands of people still remain without homes living in temporary dwellings. The Japanese government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Prepares To Mark One Year Anniversary Of Earthquake And Tsunami(13 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - MARCH 05: Tei Eiki (C), 63, from Sendai pays her respects to the victims of March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami in front of the ruined Minamisanriku Disaster Emergency Center headquarters during a bus tour of the devastated areas on March 05, 2012 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi prefecture in northeastern Japan. As the one year anniversary approaches, the area\'s most affected by an earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing according to Japan\'s National Police Agency continue to struggle. Thousands of people still remain without homes living in temporary dwellings. The Japanese government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods. (Photo by Daniel Berehulak /Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorate Three Months Anniversary Of Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake And Tsunami(14 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - JUNE 11: Masashi Chiba, 63, prays for his daugther who worked at Minamisanriku City Hall Disaster Prevention Center and lost her life in the March 11 earthquake and tsunami on June 11, 2011 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi, Japan. The Japanese government has been struggling to deal with the earthquake and tsunami, as well as the stricken Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The fears of an outbreak of an infectious disease are mounting due to the approaching humid rainy season and delays in the clearing the debris. (Photo by Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorate Three Months Anniversary Of Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake And Tsunami(15 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - JUNE 11: The remaning frame of the destroyed Minamisanriku City Hall Disaster Prevention Center is seen on June 11, 2011 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi, Japan. Japanese government has been struggling to deal with the earthquake and tsunami as well as the troubled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The fear on outbreak of virus infectious disease are mounting due to the humid rainy season on the corner and delay of the clearing the debris. (Photo by Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorate Three Months Anniversary Of Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake And Tsunami(16 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - JUNE 11: The remaning frame of the destroyed Minamisanriku City Hall Disaster Prevention Center is seen on June 11, 2011 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi, Japan. Japanese government has been struggling to deal with the earthquake and tsunami as well as the troubled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The fear on outbreak of virus infectious disease are mounting due to the humid rainy season on the corner and delay of the clearing the debris. (Photo by Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Commemorate Three Months Anniversary Of Magnitude 9.0 Earthquake And Tsunami(17 of17)
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MINAMISANRIKU, JAPAN - JUNE 11: Flowers are offered for the earthquake and tsunami victims near the remains of the destroyed Minamisanriku City Hall Disaster Prevention Center on June 11, 2011 in Minamisanriku, Miyagi, Japan. The Japanese government has been struggling to deal with the earthquake and tsunami, as well as the stricken Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The fears of an outbreak of an infectious disease are mounting due to the approaching humid rainy season and delays in the clearing the debris. (Photo by Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
被災した「たろう観光ホテル」(01 of03)
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東日本大震災の津波で被災した「たろう観光ホテル」。宮古市は津波の恐ろしさや教訓を後世に伝えるための震災遺構として保存する意向を示している=2013年4月6日、岩手県宮古市田老地区\n (credit:時事通信社)
東日本大震災・がれきの中に立つホテル(02 of03)
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大津波で一面がれきと化した岩手県宮古市田老地区の中に立つ被害を受けた「たろう観光ホテル」(岩手県宮古市の田老地区)\n\n撮影日2011年03月23日 (credit:時事通信社)
東日本大震災・がれきの中に立つホテル(03 of03)
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大津波で一面がれきと化した岩手県宮古市田老地区の中に立つ被害を受けた「たろう観光ホテル」(岩手県宮古市の田老地区)\n\n撮影日2011年03月23日 (credit:時事通信社)