「脱法ハーブ」の新しい名前募集へ 海外では何と呼ばれている?

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(MSN産経ニュース『「脱法ドラッグ」に代わる新名称募集へ 「危険な薬物との意味込めたい」厚労相』より 2014/07/04 12:25)



英語ではNHK(英字電子版)が「law-evading drug(法をすり抜けたドラッグ)」、毎日新聞(英字電子版)が「quasi-legal drug(合法と見せかけたドラッグ)」「loophole hallucinatory herb(法の抜け穴をついた幻覚作用のあるハーブ)」、英字紙・The Japan Timesが「dappo herbs(脱法ハーブ)」などの言葉を使って報じているが、海外では「リーガル・ハイ」や、「synthetic cannabis(合成大麻、人口大麻)」などの言葉が使われている。




バスソルトの被害 画像集
カーラ・マーフィー(01 of09)
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Matthew Hammond(02 of09)
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Matthew Hammond allegedly snorted \"a lot\" of bath salts, ate feces and then challenged a cop to a fight, with predictable results in Georgia in July 2012.\r\n\r\nRead more.
Rudy Eugene(03 of09)
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A medical examiner in Miami-Dade County confirmed that bath salts weren\'t to blame in the case of infamous naked face-eating suspect Rudy Eugene.\r\n\r\nRead more. (credit:AP)
Bath Salt Naysayer?(04 of09)
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A nude man in Florida was caught on tape in early July 2012 humping the air and screaming \"Bath Salts are BAD for you!!!\"\r\n\r\nRead more.\r\n\r\nEntire video from Youtube user gnomicmedia.
Shane Shuyler(05 of09)
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Shane Shuyler allegedly exposed himself to a 3-year-old while on bath salts in Florida in June 2012.\r\n\r\nRead more. (credit:Miami-Dade Corrections)
Brandon DeLeon(06 of09)
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21-year-old homeless man allegedly growled \"I\'m going to eat you\" and tried to bite a cop while cruisin\' on some bath salts and Four Loko in Miami in June 2012.\r\n\r\n\r\nRead more. (credit:Miami-Dade Corrections)
Ronald Sellers(07 of09)
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Ronald Sellers of Tennessee was allegedly early on the bath salts trend. According to authorities, the man hallucinated a burglary and called the cops to his home while high on the street drug way back in February 2012.\r\n\r\nRead more.
Bahad Mahmoud(08 of09)
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A drugged-out Mahmound was arrested in Louisville in June 2011 for disorderly conduct, among other charges, after cops found him drinking hand sanitizer.\r\n\r\nRead more.
Robert William White(09 of09)
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A crazed 20-year-old man said to be high on the synthetic drug bludgeoned an elderly woman in the head in late June 2012, according to authorities. He claimed he was an alien who talked to Jesus. (Los Angeles Times reported.)\r\n\r\n\r\nRead more. (credit:Tim Berger, Glendale News-Press)
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