Live Stream Discussion with Audrey Tang On the Future of Democracy and Diversity

HuffPost Japan and the Waseda Business School (Graduate School of Business and Finance) will co-host a live stream show with the Digital Minister of Taiwan on August 3, Monday morning.
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Maya Nakata / HuffPost Japan

Openness, transparency, and citizen-driven innovation are key to modern democracy.

In Taiwan, Digital Minister Audrey Tang is transforming the Taiwanese government by using innovative technology to directly connect with citizens.

In a recent interview with WIRED, Tang stated that technology could help build trust between the government and its people. How is this done, and what can Japan learn from it? In what ways can Japan develop a new generation of leaders? 

HuffPost Japan and the Waseda Business School (WBS) will co-host a live stream discussion and Q&A with Taiwan’s Digital Minister Audrey Tang on Monday, August 3, 2020, at 9:45 a.m. JST.

WBS students, Professor Akie Iriyama, and HuffPost Japan editors will be joined by Tang to discuss her work on facilitating digital innovation and advocating for transparent systems.

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan garnered global attention with its “mask app” which tracks inventories for face masks. The initiative is credited to Tang’s collaboration with civilian software engineers.

Since becoming Taiwan’s first openly transgender cabinet member, Tang has risen to become a trailblazer for queer representation in East Asia.

In 2019, Taiwan became the first in Asia to legalize marriage equality — a sharp contrast to the state of LGBTQ inclusion in Japan.

Join the discussion on Monday, August 3, at 9:45 a.m. JST.  


August 3, Monday 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. JST

(Opening remarks by Professor Akie Iriyama and Ryan Takeshita at 9:45 a.m. / Audrey Tang joining via Microsoft Teams at 10 a.m.)

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Audrey Tang(唐鳳)/Digital Minister, Taiwan

Akie Iriyama/Professor, Waseda Business School 

Ryan Takeshita/Editor-in-Chief, HuffPost Japan

Fumiya Takahashi/News Editor, HuffPost Japan