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(NHKニュース「MOX燃料 船から降ろす作業始まる」より。 2013/06/27 12:11)



(朝日新聞デジタル「高浜原発再稼働 地元町長は容認方針 福井」より。2013/06/13 05:04)



MOX燃料 プルサーマル 関連画像集
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Polocemen stand guard in front of a gate of the Kansai Electric Power Co.\'s Takahama nuclear plant in Fukui prefecture on June 27, 2013. The cargo of mixed oxide (MOX), a blend of plutonium and uranium, was the first such nuclear fuel to arrive in Japan since the atomic disaster at Fukushima, which was sparked by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/27 (credit:AFP=時事)
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policemen stand guard for the arrival of a vessel (background) loaded with reprocessed nuclear fuel from France for the Kansai Electric Power Co.\'s Takahama nuclear plant at a Japanese port on June 27, 2013. The cargo of mixed oxide (MOX), a blend of plutonium and uranium, was the first such nuclear fuel to arrive in Japan since the atomic disaster at Fukushima, which was sparked by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/27 (credit:AFP=時事)
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A vessel loaded with reprocessed nuclear fuel from France for the Kansai Electric Power Co.\'s Takahama nuclear plant arrives at a Japanese port on June 27, 2013. The cargo of mixed oxide (MOX), a blend of plutonium and uranium, was the first such nuclear fuel to arrive in Japan since the atomic disaster at Fukushima, which was sparked by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/27 (credit:AFP=時事)
MOX燃料搬入作業を行う関電社員ら(04 of15)
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関西電力高浜原子力発電所のウラン・プルトニウム混合酸化物(MOX)燃料搬入作業で、燃料集合体が入った輸送容器の放射線測定をする関電社員ら=27日午後、福井県高浜町\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/27 (credit:時事通信社)
MOX燃料・搬入される高浜原発のMOX燃料(05 of15)
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関西電力高浜原子力発電所に搬入されるウラン・プルトニウム混合酸化物(MOX)燃料集合体が入った輸送容器=27日午後、福井県高浜町\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/27 (credit:時事通信社)
MOX燃料・高浜原発のMOX燃料搬入(06 of15)
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関西電力高浜原子力発電所に到着された輸送船からクレーンで陸揚げされるウラン・プルトニウム混合酸化物(MOX)燃料集合体が入った輸送容器=27日午後、福井県高浜町\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/27 (credit:時事通信社)
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A container of MOX fuel is unloaded from a vessel at the Kansai Electric Power Co.\'s Takahama nuclear plant in Fukui prefecture on June 27, 2013. The cargo of mixed oxide (MOX), a blend of plutonium and uranium, was the first such nuclear fuel to arrive in Japan since the atomic disaster at Fukushima, which was sparked by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/26 (credit:AFP=時事)
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Protesters stage a demonstration against the arrival of a vessel loaded with reprocessed nuclear fuel from France for the Kansai Electric Power Co.\'s Takahama nuclear plant at a Japanese port on June 27, 2013. The cargo of mixed oxide (MOX), a blend of plutonium and uranium, was the first such nuclear fuel to arrive in Japan since the atomic disaster at Fukushima, which was sparked by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/26 (credit:AFP=時事)
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Protesters stage a demonstration against the arrival of a vessel loaded with reprocessed nuclear fuel from France for the Kansai Electric Power Co.\'s Takahama nuclear plant at a Japanese port on June 27, 2013. The cargo of mixed oxide (MOX), a blend of plutonium and uranium, was the first such nuclear fuel to arrive in Japan since the atomic disaster at Fukushima, which was sparked by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/26 (credit:AFP=時事)
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Protesters stage a demonstration against the arrival of a vessel loaded with reprocessed nuclear fuel from France for the Kansai Electric Power Co.\'s Takahama nuclear plant at a Japanese port on June 27, 2013. The cargo of mixed oxide (MOX), a blend of plutonium and uranium, was the first such nuclear fuel to arrive in Japan since the atomic disaster at Fukushima, which was sparked by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/26 (credit:AFP=時事)
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Protesters stage a demonstration against the arrival of a vessel loaded with reprocessed nuclear fuel from France for the Kansai Electric Power Co.\'s Takahama nuclear plant at a Japanese port on June 27, 2013. The cargo of mixed oxide (MOX), a blend of plutonium and uranium, was the first such nuclear fuel to arrive in Japan since the atomic disaster at Fukushima, which was sparked by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/26 (credit:AFP=時事)
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Protesters stage a demonstration against the arrival of a vessel loaded with reprocessed nuclear fuel from France for the Kansai Electric Power Co.\'s Takahama nuclear plant at a Japanese port on June 27, 2013. The cargo of mixed oxide (MOX), a blend of plutonium and uranium, was the first such nuclear fuel to arrive in Japan since the atomic disaster at Fukushima, which was sparked by the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011. AFP PHOTO / KAZUHIRO NOGI\n\n撮影日: 2013/06/26 (credit:AFP=時事)
福島原発・MOX燃料プールをのぞきこむ福島県視察団(13 of15)
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福島第1原発3号機のウラン・プルトニウム混合酸化物(MOX)燃料プールをのぞき込む福島県の視察団(福島県大熊町)\n\n撮影日: 2010/08/21 (credit:時事通信社)
玄海原発のMOX燃料(14 of15)
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ウラン・プルトニウム混合酸化物(MOX)燃料を、燃料取扱棟内の貯蔵プールに格納する作業員ら(佐賀・玄海町の九州電力玄海原子力発電所)[代表撮影]\n\n撮影日: 2009/06/08 (credit:時事通信社)
玄海原発のMOX燃料(15 of15)
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ウラン・プルトニウム混合酸化物(MOX)燃料を格納する燃料取扱棟内部(佐賀・玄海町の九州電力玄海原子力発電所)[代表撮影]\n\n撮影日: 2009/06/08 (credit:時事通信社)