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United Nations Office for the Coordination of Huma

どのような災害であっても、それぞれ独自の課題に直面するものだ。よって、災害援助はそれぞれの状況に応じて組み立てられなければならない。4月25日と5月12日に発生したネパール大地 震はそのことを如実に物語っている。私たち支援者の努力が最も効果を発揮するためには、被災国の地形的特性、文化、政治背景を理解することが欠かせない。

4月25日の地震は、主に僻地の村で暮らす人々に大きな影響を与えた。多くの家屋、診療所や学 校が破壊された。このことが、災害初期の捜索救助活動を進める上で最初の難関となった。レスキューチームの多くは災害発生直後から短期間のボランティアとして駆けつける。生存者をがれきの中から引き上げるために自らの命を危険にさらすこともいとわない。そして、やがて生存者を見つける望みが尽きた頃、こうしたチームは現場を引き上げ、これと並行してその他の援助活動が本格化する。

私たち国連人道問題調整事務所(OCHA:オチャ)は国連災害評価調整チーム(UNDAC:アンダ ック)を各国政府とともに運営している。ネパールでは、このUNDACチームがいち早く現地入りし、 各捜索救助チームと連携しながら被災コミュニティのニーズを確かめる活動を始めた。トレーニングを積み経験豊富なメンバーで構成されるこのチームは、ネパール政府当局や地元団体、そして国際機関と協力し、現地入りした団体や個人が一体的なコーディネーションのもとで活動できるよう素地を整え、様々な関係者を巻き込んだ緊急援助活動を迅速に展開させるための仕組みを立ち上げた。

いざという時のための備えが既にかなりなされていたことは、不幸中の幸いだった。シミュレーションや訓練も実施済みで、オペレーションセンターも既に設置され、中央でも地方レベルでも訓練を 積んだスタッフが配置されていた。これらの準備があったおかげで、震災発生後に素早く対応することが出来たと言える。それでも今回の地震のような大規模災害が起これば、こうした備えの度合いに関係なく、いかなる国の対応能力をも上回ってしまうだろう。まして、ネパールのようにアジアでも特に貧しい国にとってはなおさらだ。


それでも、私たちの緊急対応はパズル全体の小さな 1 ピースにすぎない。今回の災害でネパ ールの経済と国民生活が甚大な影響を受けてしまった。直近のニーズを満たすための人道援助計画を、より長期にわたる復旧・復興努力と十分に調和させることが不可欠だ。その際、人びとのニーズを中心に据えてこうした計画作りをすすめなければならない。ネパール国民自身が、近隣、友人や家族で共に助け合いながら、まさに最前線でこの危機に立ち向かっている。人道援助と復興プログラムがこうした人たちにフォーカスしなければならない理由は、まさにそこにあるのだ。人々のニーズや心配事に耳を傾けることこそが、効果的な対応戦略 を練り上げる上での鍵となる。現にこうしたことは、かつてに比べればずっと容易になっている。今は様々なテクノロジーのおかげで、人道援助にあたる私たち自身が被災者にとっての良い聞き手となり、より高い透明性をもって援助の受け手となる人々への説明責任を果たしていくことが可能となりつつあるからだ。


また緊急援助は、外国政府による二国間資金協力や軍のアセットを活用すること等、様々な形でもたらされる。同様に、一般の人々からの送金といった形で、人道支援団体に資金が直接流れ込む。国連が透明性を確保するために努力を続ける一方で、こうした寄付等については自発的な報 告がなされているに過ぎない。

これまでのところ、援助活動は必要とされているところ全てに行き渡ってはおらず、資金面でも不足している。もし援助が僻地の村に早急に届けられなければ、雨季の到来により地震で受けた被害はより複合化し、被災者はさらに抜き差しならない、もっと弱い立場へと追い込まれてしまうだろう。雨季を目前に控え、対応できる時間は限られている。震災で家を失った人たちは、防水布を今すぐ必要としている。1 年で最も厳しい時期を乗り切るため、ごく簡素な最低限のシェルターをこしらえるためだ。平時ですら雨季のネパールでは様々な困難が生じるが、震災によってコミュニティ の脆弱性がさらに高まっていると言える。

家屋の修復や再建は喫緊の支援ニーズという意味では次の段階と言えるかもしれない。しかし、 被災者の心を安らげ、少しでも先のことを考えられるような希望を与えるという意味で、いのちを救う緊急人道援助と同じ位に必要不可欠だ。ネパール及び国外の関係者とのパートナーシップのもと、災害前から存在してきた脆弱性を克服できるようなより良い復旧・復興を進められれば、コミュニティがこれまで歩んできた発展への道のりに戻る道筋を付けられるだろう。


オリバー・レイシー=ホールは現在、国連人道問題調整事務所(OCHA)アジア太平洋地域ディレクターを 務め、同組織のアジア太平洋地域における活動を統括している。難民問題、調整、コミュニケーション、事業・計画管理等、人道支援分野で25年の実務経験を有する。

2011年3月より現職。前職はOCHAニューヨーク本部コミュニケーション・インフォメーションサービス部副部長。国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)、国連開発計画(UNDP)、欧州安全保障協力機構(OSCE)、 欧州委員会にも勤務経験があり、人道支援及びその調整に関して中国、ベトナム、インドネシア、イラク、クロアチア、アルメニア、朝鮮民主主義人民共和国で活動を行った。加えて、2002年から2005年にかけてUNDACアジア太平洋チームをマネージ。さらにOCHAが担う情報管理のグローバルな責任者を務めた他、同組織の災害時増員派遣メカニズム発展に寄与した。




Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(01 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(02 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: A young man speaks on the phone in front of a collapsed temple in the city center following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(03 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: A taxi is buried under debris from a collapsed building in Thamel following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(04 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Flowers are left by survivors on top of debris from a collapsed building at Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(05 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Kathmandu\'s residents sit in open spaces as replicas of the earthquake hit the city following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(06 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Bystanders watch as emergency teams clear debris in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(07 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(08 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(09 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: People stand on top of debris from a collapsed building at Basantapur Durbar Square watching the destruction following an earthquake following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(10 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: People stand on top of debris from a collapsed building at Basantapur Durbar Square watching the destruction following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(11 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(12 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: An army patrol walks in the city center looking at the damage following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(13 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(14 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: A young man speaks on the phone in front of a collapsed building in the city center following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(15 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
Kathmandu Struck By Powerful Earthquake(16 of98)
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KATHMANDU, NEPAL - APRIL 25: Emergency workers and bystanders clear debris while searching for survivors under a collapsed temple in Basantapur Durbar Square following an earthquake on April 25, 2015 in Kathmandu, Nepal. A major 7.8 earthquake hit Kathmandu mid-day on Saturday, and was followed by multiple aftershocks that triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest that buried mountain climbers in their base camps. Many houses, buildings and temples in the capital were destroyed during the earthquake, leaving hundreds dead or trapped under the debris as emergency rescue workers attempt to clear debris and find survivors. (Photo by Omar Havana/Getty Images) (credit:Omar Havana via Getty Images)
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Nepalese rescue workers and onlookers gather at Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese rescue workers and onlookers gather at Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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People clear rubble in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese rescue members and onlookers gather at Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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People clear rubble in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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People clear rubble in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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People clear rubble in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese rescue workers and onlookers gather at Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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People clear rubble in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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People clear rubble in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese rescue workers carry the body of a victim in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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A man (bottom L) looks through rubble of a collapsed building in Kathmandu after an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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People clear rubble in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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People gather in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Earthquake victims are helped by a rescuer in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by the earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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People gather in Kathmandu\'s Durbar Square, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that was severely damaged by an earthquake on April 25, 2015. A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake killed hundreds of people April 25 as it ripped through large parts of Nepal, toppling office blocks and towers in Kathmandu and triggering a deadly avalanche that hit Everest base camp. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
Nepal Earthquake Avalanche(33 of98)
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This photo provided by Azim Afif shows the scene after an avalanche triggered by a massive earthquake swept across Everest Base Camp, Nepal on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Afif and his team of four others from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) all survived the avalanche. (Azim Afif via AP) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake Avalanche(34 of98)
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In this photo provided by Azim Afif a man approaches the scene after an avalanche triggered by a massive earthquake swept across Everest Base Camp, Nepal on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Afif and his team of four others from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) all survived the avalanche. (Azim Afif via AP) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake Avalanche(35 of98)
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This photo provided by Azim Afif shows nightfall after an avalanche triggered by a massive earthquake swept across Everest Base Camp, Nepal on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Afif and his team of four others from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) all survived the avalanche. (Azim Afif via AP) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake Avalanche(36 of98)
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This photo provided by Azim Afif shows the scene after an avalanche triggered by a massive earthquake swept across Everest Base Camp, Nepal on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Afif and his team of four others from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) all survived the avalanche. (Azim Afif via AP) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake Avalanche(37 of98)
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In this photo provided by Azim Afif people approach the scene after an avalanche triggered by a massive earthquake swept across Everest Base Camp, Nepal on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Afif and his team of four others from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) all survived the avalanche. (Azim Afif via AP) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake Avalanche(38 of98)
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This photo provided by Azim Afif shows the scene after an avalanche triggered by a massive earthquake swept across Everest Base Camp, Nepal on Saturday, April 25, 2015. Afif and his team of four others from the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) all survived the avalanche. (Azim Afif via AP) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
India Nepal Earthquake(39 of98)
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Relief material is loaded into an Indian Air Force aircraft headed to Nepal, in New Delhi, India, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful earthquake struck Nepal Saturday and collapsed houses, leveled centuries-old temples and triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest. It was the worst tremor to hit the poor South Asian nation in over 80 years. (AP Photo/Rajesh Kumar) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake Avalanche(40 of98)
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Climbers and guides carry an injured after an avalanche struck Everest Base Camp in Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. An avalanche triggered by a massive earthquake in Nepal smashed into a base camp between the Khumbu Icefall, a notoriously treacherous rugged area of collapsed ice and snow, and the base camp where most climbing expeditions are, said Ang Tshering of the Nepal Mountaineering Association. (AP Photo/Pasang Dawa Sherpa) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(41 of98)
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Volunteers carry an injured boy after rescuing him from the debris of a building that was damaged in an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(42 of98)
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A woman cries as her son remains trapped in the debris of a building that collapsed in an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
India Earthquake(43 of98)
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A school student receives treatment at a hospital after he was injured in an earthquake in Motihari, in the eastern Indian state of Bihar, Saturday, April 25, 2015. Officials say dozens have been killed and more injured in India in a powerful earthquake that struck neighboring Nepal. (Press Trust of India via AP) INDIA OUT (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(44 of98)
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Volunteers carry the body of a victim on a stretcher, recovered from the debris of a building that collapsed after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(45 of98)
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Debris lie at Durbar Square after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(46 of98)
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Rescuers look for victims under a building that collapsed after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(47 of98)
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Volunteers carry the body of a victim on a stretcher, recovered from the debris of a building that collapsed after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(48 of98)
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A crane removes debris from the site of a building that collapsed in an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
APTOPIX Nepal Earthquake(49 of98)
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Rescuers clear the debris at Durbar Sqaure after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
APTOPIX Nepal Earthquake(50 of98)
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Volunteers help with rescue work at the site of a building that collapsed after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
APTOPIX Nepal Earthquake(51 of98)
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An injured child lies on the ground outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(52 of98)
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A car stands under the weight of an electric pole after it collapsed following an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. A magnitude-6.6 aftershock hit about an hour later, and smaller aftershocks continued to ripple through the region for hours. (AP Photo/Tashi Sherpa) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(53 of98)
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Patients wait at the parking lot of Norvic International Hospital after an earthquake hit Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful, magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses, leveling centuries-old temples and cutting open roads in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (AP Photo/Binaj Gurubacharya) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
APTOPIX Nepal Earthquake(54 of98)
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An Injured person receives treatment outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(55 of98)
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People stand around damage caused by an earthquake at Durbar Square in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(56 of98)
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Volunteers help with rescue work at the site of a building that collapsed after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(57 of98)
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A building stands damaged after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(58 of98)
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People gather in an intersection near a damaged building in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Tashi Sherpa) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(59 of98)
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A group of people gather outdoors as an earthquake hits Kathmandu city, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(60 of98)
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A man carries a dog and walks past damage caused by an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(61 of98)
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An man walks past damage caused by an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(62 of98)
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People walk past damage caused by an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(63 of98)
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An injured child receives treatment outside Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(64 of98)
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Injured people receive treatment in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/Tashi Sherpa) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(65 of98)
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Nepalese people huddle together outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(66 of98)
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An injured man receives treatment outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(67 of98)
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Injured people receive treatment outside the Medicare Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(68 of98)
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A group of people gather outdoors on a street as an earthquake hits Kathmandu city, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:YA)
Nepal Earthquake(69 of98)
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In this photo provided by Guna Raj Luitel, people walk next to ruble after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses, leveling centuries-old temples and cutting open roads in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (Guna Raj Luitel via AP) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(70 of98)
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In this photo provided by Guna Raj Luitel, an injured woman is carried just after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A powerful earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, collapsing houses, leveling centuries-old temples and cutting open roads in the worst temblor in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years. (Guna Raj Luitel via AP) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(71 of98)
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In this image from AP video people search in a buildings rubble in Kathmandu, Nepal after a strong earthquake hit the area Saturday April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP video via AP) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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Indian residents gather in the street following an earthquake, in Siliguri on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. Witnesses and media reports said the quake tremors lasted between 30 seconds and two minutes and were felt across the across the border in India, including in the capital New Delhi. AFP PHOTO / Diptendu DUTTA (Photo credit should read DIPTENDU DUTTA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:DIPTENDU DUTTA via Getty Images)
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An Indian shopkeeper checks the damage inside his office following an earthquake, in Siliguri on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. Witnesses and media reports said the quake tremors lasted between 30 seconds and two minutes and were felt across the across the border in India, including in the capital New Delhi. AFP PHOTO / Diptendu DUTTA (Photo credit should read DIPTENDU DUTTA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:DIPTENDU DUTTA via Getty Images)
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Residents stand in the street outside their homes following an earthquake, in Siliguri on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. Witnesses and media reports said the quake tremors lasted between 30 seconds and two minutes and were felt across the across the border in India, including in the capital New Delhi. AFP PHOTO / Diptendu DUTTA (Photo credit should read DIPTENDU DUTTA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:DIPTENDU DUTTA via Getty Images)
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Indian police and bystanders look at a collapsed house following an earthquake, in Siliguri on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. Witnesses and media reports said the quake tremors lasted between 30 seconds and two minutes and were felt across the across the border in India, including in the capital New Delhi. AFP PHOTO / Diptendu DUTTA (Photo credit should read DIPTENDU DUTTA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:DIPTENDU DUTTA via Getty Images)
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Indian bystanders look at a collapsed house following an earthquake, in Siliguri on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. Witnesses and media reports said the quake tremors lasted between 30 seconds and two minutes and were felt across the across the border in India, including in the capital New Delhi. AFP PHOTO / Diptendu DUTTA (Photo credit should read DIPTENDU DUTTA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:DIPTENDU DUTTA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese people stand amidst debris of a collapsed building in Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Indian bystanders look at a collapsed house following an earthquake, in Siliguri on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. Witnesses and media reports said the quake tremors lasted between 30 seconds and two minutes and were felt across the across the border in India, including in the capital New Delhi. AFP PHOTO / Diptendu DUTTA (Photo credit should read DIPTENDU DUTTA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:DIPTENDU DUTTA via Getty Images)
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Indian bystanders look at a collapsed house following an earthquake, in Siliguri on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. Witnesses and media reports said the quake tremors lasted between 30 seconds and two minutes and were felt across the across the border in India, including in the capital New Delhi. AFP PHOTO / Diptendu DUTTA (Photo credit should read DIPTENDU DUTTA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:DIPTENDU DUTTA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese people sit in an open area following an 7.9 earthquake, at Lalitpur on the outskirts of Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese people wheel an injured man into an open area following an 7.9 earthquake, at Lalitpur on the outskirts of Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese rescue members and onlookers gather at the collapsed Dharahara Tower in Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese people walk past a collapsed building in Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese people wheel an injured man into an open area following an 7.9 earthquake, at Lalitpur on the outskirts of Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese rescue members gather at the collapsed Dharahara Tower in Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese health workers carry injured people into an open area following an 7.9 earthquake, at Lalitpur on the outskirts of Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese health workers carry injured people into an open area following an 7.9 earthquake, at Lalitpur on the outskirts of Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese people walk past collapsed buildings at Lalitpur, on the outskirts of Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese people walk past a collapsed building of the Nepalese Army in Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Nepalese rescue members move the body of a victim from the collapsed Dharahara Tower in Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
Nepal Earthquake(91 of98)
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Volunteers work to remove debris at the historic Dharahara tower, a city landmark, after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Nepal Earthquake(92 of98)
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Rescuers remove debris at the historic Dharahara tower, a city landmark, after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
APTOPIX Nepal Earthquake(93 of98)
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Volunteers work to remove debris at the historic Dharahara tower, a city landmark, after an earthquake in Kathmandu, Nepal, Saturday, April 25, 2015. A strong magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal\'s capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley before noon Saturday, causing extensive damage with toppled walls and collapsed buildings, officials said. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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Nepalese rescue members gather at the collapsed Dharahara Tower in Kathmandu on April 25, 2015. A powerful 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital Kathmandu with strong tremors felt across neighbouring countries. AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA (Photo credit should read PRAKASH MATHEMA/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PRAKASH MATHEMA via Getty Images)
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Members of Virginia Task Force 1 pack and prep their gear on April 25, 2015 at their Chantilly, Virginia, headquarters, before deploying to conduct search and rescue operations in Nepal. Countries and international aid groups rushed to respond Saturday to a massive earthquake in Nepal that claimed more than 1,000 lives as aftershocks and severed communications hampered rescue efforts. AFP PHOTO/PAUL J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PAUL J. RICHARDS via Getty Images)
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A member of Virginia Task Force 1, Fairfax Urban Search & Rescue Team, walks among the packed bags of search & rescue members April 25, 2015 at their Chantilly, Virginia, headquarters, before deploying to conduct search and rescue operations in Nepal. Countries and international aid groups rushed to respond Saturday to a massive earthquake in Nepal that claimed more than 1,000 lives as aftershocks and severed communications hampered rescue efforts. AFP PHOTO/PAUL J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PAUL J. RICHARDS via Getty Images)
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Members of Virginia Task Force 1 pack and prep their gear on April 25, 2015 at their Chantilly, Virginia, headquarters, before deploying to conduct search and rescue operations in Nepal. Countries and international aid groups rushed to respond Saturday to a massive earthquake in Nepal that claimed more than 1,000 lives as aftershocks and severed communications hampered rescue efforts. AFP PHOTO/PAUL J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PAUL J. RICHARDS via Getty Images)
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Members of Virginia Task Force 1 pack and prep their gear on April 25, 2015 at their Chantilly, Virginia, headquarters, before deploying to conduct search and rescue operations in Nepal. Countries and international aid groups rushed to respond Saturday to a massive earthquake in Nepal that claimed more than 1,000 lives as aftershocks and severed communications hampered rescue efforts. AFP PHOTO/PAUL J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:PAUL J. RICHARDS via Getty Images)