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油のカロリーが高いということは、みなさんご存知だと思いますが、実際のカロリーでいうと、「油 大さじ1」でなんと「112kcal」になります。



■調理も簡単に! 下ごしらえも後片付けもあっという間!!

では「揚げない」代わりに、どういう調理をすれば良いのでしょうか?クックパッドに投稿されているみなさんの「揚げない○○」レシピを見ていると、少量の油で揚げ焼きにしたり、煎ったパン粉をまぶしてからオーブンやトースターで焼いて火を通すというテクニックを使っている場合が多いようです。 オーブンやトースターを使えば、揚げ物のように加熱中につきっきりになる必要はないし、大量の油を使わなくなることで、お片づけも楽チン♪ですね。

■ 翌日までおいしいから、お弁当にも





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私、揚げ物作るの苦手。油飛ぶし...。でも、家族には食べさせたいし、私だって食べたい‼︎ このサクサク感伝わるかな〜♪


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ヘルシー中華シリーズ③ 油で揚げません。使う油は合計で小さじ1杯(*^-^*) だからカロリーはいつもの半分♥

いかがでしたか? カロリーが気になる〜でも揚げ物大好き♪なんて人は、ぜひ「揚げない○○」レシピに挑戦してみてください!(TEXT:クックパッド編集部)


アプリ「ダイエットひとりぶん」 1品500kcal以下のひとり分レシピが簡単に見つかるアプリです。 クックパッドの簡単でおいしいレシピを、管理栄養士が厳選しました。 ダウンロードはこちらから(無料・iOS版のみ)




Celebrity Diet Advice We Want
Jordin Sparks(01 of16)
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\"I\'ve never counted calories. I go by how I feel,\" she said. \"I still eat the same things. If there\'s a dessert and I really want to have it, I\'ll say I just have to work harder in the gym tomorrow.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Olivia Munn(02 of16)
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\"I came up with dance aerobic routines that we do a few times a week to a 45-minute playlist,\" she said. \"They have funny names like the One-Night-Stand and the Ex-Boyfriend ... It\'s so much more fun than the alternative workouts my friends plan. They always ask me if I want to go for a hike. And I\'m like: \'No, why would I do that when I\'ve got TiVo?\'\" (credit:Getty Images)
Olivia Wilde(03 of16)
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\"I don\'t own a scale, and [her ex-husband] banned the word fat from our house.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Hayden Panettiere(04 of16)
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\"When I indulge, I try to do it in the morning so I can burn it off. It\'s my responsibility to be healthy and, no, I\'m not going to starve. I\'m sorry -- I can\'t be full on salad.\"\n (credit:Getty Images)
Miranda Lambert(05 of16)
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\"I don\'t care about being stick thin. I don\'t want stuff to jiggle. Really skinny actresses make me hungry. I see them and think, \'Honey, you need to eat!\'\" (credit:Getty Images)
Taylor Swift(06 of16)
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\"There\'s no regimen. There\'s no personal trainer. I love to go hiking because it\'s an experience. If I need to gain stamina for a tour, I will run every single night on the treadmill, but I don\'t necessarily like being at the gym.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Shailene Woodley(07 of16)
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\"I absolutely adore Trader Joe\'s. I can get cookies and candies without hydrogenated oils and without artificial flavors/colorings.\"\n (credit:Getty Images)
Jennifer Lawrence(08 of16)
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\"People are built the way they\'re built. And you know that Kate Moss quote, \'Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels\'? I can name a lot of things that taste better than skinny feels. Potatoes! Bread! A Philly cheesesteak and fries!\" (credit:Getty Images)
Jennifer Aniston(09 of16)
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\"I always try to sleep for at least eight hours a night and, of course, water, water, water! ... But occasionally I just have to have a Diet Coke -- there\'s nothing like it!\"\n (credit:Getty Images)
Kristen Wiig(10 of16)
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\"I do have a splurge day once a week when I can eat whatever I want.\" Her splurge? \"Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms are kind of the best thing that\'s ever been made. And lemon cupcakes from Buttercup Bake Shop, near my house. I also love hot, melted cheesy sandwiches. And sweet-potato fries.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Ginnifer Goodwin(11 of16)
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\"I don\'t diet. There\'s going to be barbecue and macaroni and cheese -- but I\'ll have broccoli and salad the next day.\"\n\n (credit:Getty Images)
Ali Landry(12 of16)
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\"Chocolate is not cheating! After a salty meal, you need a little bit of sweet. This is living, not cheating.\" (credit:Getty Images)
Sara Evans(13 of16)
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\"I have no diet tricks, I have no \'I never eat carbs\' or \'I never ... \' I eat a little bit, and as soon as I feel full, I stop. Then I don\'t eat again until I\'m hungry.\"\n\n (credit:Getty Images)
Kristen Bell(14 of16)
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\"I like to stay fit and challenge myself. But I\'m not going to try to be a certain size, or weigh a specific amount. I don\'t own a scale. My goal is to feel good and look healthy ... I\'m always going to be the kind of person who treats myself.\"\n (credit:Getty Images)
Beyonce Knowles(15 of16)
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“I have to admit that lately I’ve been on a roll with food -- eating whatever I want. Even when I’m being strict, though. I always treat myself to one meal on Sundays when I can have whatever I want. Usually it’s pizza, which is my favorite indulgence.” (credit:Getty Images)
Betty White(16 of16)
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The \"Hot in Cleveland\" star enjoys a hot dog and french fries for lunch ever day. And that\'s not her only indulgence; Betty snacks on Starbucks blueberry muffins when she arrives at work and makes a point of keeping her dressing room stocked with Red Vines.\n (credit:Getty Images)