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Smog eating paving stones form a bicycle lane on Blue Island Ave, which Chicago city officials havce dubbed the greenest street in America, are seen on April 1, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. The $14 million project to reshape two miles of Blue Island and Cermak also includes streetlights lights that run on solar and wind power, sidewalks made with recycled concrete, and shrub-filled 'bioswales' to keep storm water out of overtaxed sewers.AFP PHOTO/MIRA OBERMAN (Photo credit should read MIRA OBERMAN/AFP/Getty Images)


同チームの論文「Full scale demonstration of air-purifying pavement(大気浄化舗道の総括的実証)」によると、特殊な舗道が敷設されたその区画では、大気汚染物質である窒素酸化物が、理想的な天候条件のもとでは最高45%、1日平均では19%減少したという。







[Meredith Bennett-Smith (English) 日本語版:遠藤康子、合原弘子/ガリレオ]


自転車シェア(01 of09)
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Bike share programs have revolutionized transportation in some of the country\'s largest cities, like Washington D.C., Minneapolis, Miami Beach and Boston. \n\nFor a daily or annual fee (usually around $7 or $75 respectively), users can check out a bike for about 30 minutes at a stand-alone kiosk, ride it around the city, and then check it in at any other kiosk in the system with no extra charge. (credit:Getty Images)
電気自動車(02 of09)
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Electric cars are finally starting to gain some traction and become reasonably affordable. The Tesla Model S, subject to some recent bickering, has a range of about 275 miles on a single charge and a starting price tag around $50,000.\n\nThe Chevy Volt, an electric hybrid vehicle, has a range of about 35 miles before a gas engine kicks in. The all-electric Nissan Leaf gets an equivalent to 99 mpg.\n\nBut the main concern is the youth of the industry. At home charging stations are recommended for most electric vehicles, but there isn\'t a widespread public system that can rival gas stations, making long distance trips more difficult. (credit:Getty Images)
グリーンビルディング認証「LEED 」(03 of09)
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LEEDはLeadership in Energy and Environmental Designの略で、米国グリーンビルディング協会 (U.S. Green Building Council)が所管している認証制度。建築物全体の企画・設計から、建築施工、運営・メンテナンスまでにわたって省エネ、環境負荷を評価している。 (credit:Getty Images)
太陽光発電のコスト低下(04 of09)
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International Renewable Energy Agencyによると、太陽光発電のコストはこの数年で60%低下している。\n (credit:Getty Images)
買い物用プラスティック袋の禁止(05 of09)
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シアトルやサンフランシスコなどでは、シングルユースの買い物用プラスティック袋が禁止されている。中国も2008年に全国でこうした袋を禁止した (credit:Getty Images)
サステナブルなファッション(06 of09)
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Sustainable fashion has been in vogue and on the radar since the early 1990s, but it\'s only gone mainstream recently.\n\nSynthetic fibers like polyester produce significantly more carbon emissions than organic cotton, and quite a few large brands were found to use some harsh chemicals to dye and manufacture their garments.\n\nEither way, ethical and ecological clothing is catching on. H&M is the biggest user of organic cotton in the world, and brands like Nike and Zara have followed suit. (credit:Getty Images)
LED照明(07 of09)
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Lightbulbs have changed quite a bit lately. Compact fluorescent lamps were introduced as highly efficient alternatives to traditional bulbs before 100, 75, 60 and 40-watt incandescent lightbulbs are phased out of production by 2014.\n\nBut now, the new lighting revolution is in LED. These high-tech bulbs last upwards of 20 years and use minimal energy. But, the new Philips 10-watt bulbs cost $60. Each.\n\nThe good news is that the bulb is so efficient that if every 60-watt incandescent in the country were replaced, $3.9 billion and 20 million metric tons of carbon emissions would be saved in one year. (credit:Getty Images)
コミュニティ農園(08 of09)
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Community gardening isn\'t really that new, but the local food movement is. The demand for plots in p-patches or local green spaces has skyrocketed in the past few years as people opt out of GMOs and out-of-season produce (which some argue is actually more carbon friendly).\n\nHyper-dense New York has plans to reclaim vacant lots for urban agriculture under Mayor Michael Bloomberg\'s PlaNYC initiative.\n\nThe U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated the local food industry to be $4.8 billion in 2008 and upwards of $7 billion in 2011. (credit:WikiMedia:)
グリーンなお葬式(09 of09)
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従来の木の棺よりも早く土に帰る、柳行李や段ボールの棺等を使う「グリーンなお葬式」が、米国各地で始まっている。\n (credit:Getty Images)