銀河系に地球型惑星が約88億個存在する可能性をNASAが発表「我々は独りではない」/ ハフィントンポスト本日のスプラッシュ 11月5日

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The Huffington Post




各国版本日のスプラッシュ 11月5日
US(アメリカ)版 11月5日(01 of09)
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EARTH TOO 地球もたくさんある惑星の一つ\n\n「宇宙は広大だが、私たちはひとりぼっちではないかもしれない」\nNASAのデータをもとに行なわれた最新の研究で、天の川には地球と同じような大きさで、生命に適した気温状態の惑星がおよそ88億個あるという結果が出ました。このような研究結果が出たのは史上初めてです。今後研究者たちは、これらの惑星に大気が存在するか否かを確認し、「地球の他にも生命を宿した惑星があるのか」という問いを追及していきます。\n (credit:The Huffington Post)
UK(イギリス)版 11月5日(02 of09)
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\'IT\'S A REVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS\' 「これは良心の革命だ」\n\nイギリス人コメディアンのラッセル・ブランド氏が、ネット上で展開している自身の「革命論」に対する批判に答えています。ブランド氏は、NewStatesmanに寄稿した記事で「イギリス人は革命をアメリカやフランスのものだと思って恥じる傾向があるけど、革命でなければ俺たちに残された道は絶滅しかない」と述べ、若者に投票権の放棄など「新時代の革命」を呼びかけていました。「革命に依存するなど暴力的だ」「革命は収容所での虐殺などにつながる」などという批判に対して、「これは良心の革命だ。俺は収容所などには反対だ」と弁解しました。\n\n (credit:The Huffington Post)
イタリア版 11月5日(03 of09)
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200 EURO IN PIÙ IN BUSTA PAGA 賃上げ、200ユーロ増\n\n経済安定法の修正案提出期限を48時間後に控えた現在、イタリアの各政党はそれぞれ修正案の提出を急いでいます。現段階において経済安定法の主軸は、住宅にかける税金制度の改革と人件費削減制度の改正です。新しい住宅課税制度では、従来の制度で納税を免除されてきた人々に対しても課税し、納税の義務の平等化を図る予定です。さらに人件費削減制度の改正によって、所得が年収3万ユーロ(約400万円)以下の層に保証金を提供する予定です。 (credit:The Huffington Post)
カナダ版 11月5日(04 of09)
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\'IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU\' 「お前も同じ目に遭うかもしれないぞ」\n\n住所を詐称し経費を過剰請求した罪で議員資格停止が検討されていたカナダ保守党議員3名の処分を巡って、カナダ議会が分断されています。11月4日に行なわれた審議で、上院で過半数を確保しているカナダ保守党が多数派の利を活かし、議員らは議員資格停止処分を免れました。従って、3人の命運は5日に行なわれる最終投票にゆだねられました。投票結果によっては、議員らは今期の国会が終了するまで、給料と議員特権を没収される予定です。 (credit:The Huffington Post)
スペイン版 11月5日(05 of09)
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JUSTIFICAR LO INJUSTIFICABLE 不正を正当化\n\nスペイン政府は先月、留学を奨励するエラスムス奨学金制度の受給基準をより厳しく強化し、この基準に満たない奨学生への奨学金援助を中止すると発表しました。その結果、現在奨学金を使って留学中の多くの学生が突如資金を断たれるという窮地に立たされています。政府の決断を批判する声に対してスペイン教育長官は、「基準を強化することで、より恵まれない学生を支援することが可能になる」と発言したため、「正当化するな」とさらなる非難を呼んでいます。 (credit:The Huffington Post)
ドイツ版 11月5日(06 of09)
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ENDE DER MIET-ABZOCKE 家賃の「ぼったくり」に終焉\n\n11月4日に大連立で合意したドイツキリスト教社会同盟(CSU)とドイツ社会民主党(SPD)は、大都市で現在問題となっている家賃の急激な高騰を抑え、住宅の新規建設を促進するための税制改革を行なうことで合意しました。CSU党員のドイツ連邦交通・建設・都市開発大臣は、「住宅不足に対する最も有効な対策は、どんどん新しいものを建築することだ」とコメントしています。\n (credit:The Huffington Post)
フランス版 11月5日(07 of09)
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TRISTE RETOUR 悲しい帰還\n\nイスラム過激派と政府軍の内戦が続くマリで、拉致された後殺されたジャーナリスト2名の遺体を乗せた飛行機が母国フランスに帰還しました。ジャーナリストは、フランス政府により設立された国際放送局のラジオ・フランス・アンテルナショナル(RFI)に所属しており、マリより現地レポートを行なおうとしたところで拉致されたのち、殺害された模様です。 (credit:The Huffington Post)
マグレブ版 11月5日(08 of09)
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#EPICFAIL #盛大な失敗\n\n民主化に向けた作業が行われているチュニジアにおいて、次期首相任命を巡る交渉が完全に決裂しました。27日に最終結果が発表された選挙で与党となったイスラム政党アンナハダと第三の議席数をもつ野党エタカトルはアフメド・メスティリ氏(88)を推薦しているのに対して、同2党に対抗する野党勢力は、エナセウル・モハメド氏(79)を推すことで一致しています。次期首相は、次回選挙まで国を率いる指導者となるため、次期首相を任命しない限り、チュニジアの民主化は滞ってしまいます。 (credit:The Huffington Post)
日本版 11月5日(09 of09)
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「国家戦略特区」法案を閣議決定\n\n政府は、大都市などに限定して大胆に規制緩和をする国家先着特区法案を閣議決定しました。内閣府に「国家戦略特区諮問会議」を設置し、首相のトップダウンで改革を行う予定です。政府は今後、同法案の今国会成立を目指し、年明けに全国3〜5カ所を特区に指定する方針です。 (credit:The Huffington Post)


Artists' Conceptions Of Extrasolar Planets
NASA's Kepler Mission Discovers Planet(01 of05)
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In this handout illustration made available on December 5, 2011 by NASA, the Kepler-22b, a planet known to comfortably circle in the habitable zone of a sun-like star is digitally illustrated. For the first time NASA\'s Kepler mission has confirmed a planet to orbit in a star\'s habitable zone; the region around a star, where liquid water, a requirement for life on Earth, could persist. The planet is 2.4 times the size of Earth, making it the smallest yet found to orbit in the middle of the habit. Clouds could exist in this earth\'s atmosphere, as the artist\'s interpretive illustration depicts. (Photo Illustration by Ames/JPL-Caltech/NASA via Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
NASA's Kepler Mission Discovers Planet(02 of05)
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In this handout illustration made available on December 5, 2011 by NASA, a diagram compares our own solar system to Kepler-22, a star system containing the first \'habitable zone\' planet discovered by NASA\'s Kepler mission. The habitable zone is the sweet spot around a star where temperatures are right for water to exist in its liquid form. Liquid water is essential for life on Earth. The diagram displays an artist\'s rendering of the planet comfortably orbiting within the habitable zone, similar to where Earth circles the sun. Kepler-22b has a yearly orbit of 289 days. The planet is the smallest known to orbit in the middle of the habitable zone of a sun-like star and is about 2.4 times the size of Earth. (Photo Illustration by Ames/JPL-Caltech/NASA via Getty Images) (credit:Getty)
Extrasolar Planet HD 209458 b, Osiris(03 of05)
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Artist\'s conception released by NASA of extrasolar planet HD 209458 b, also known as Osiris, orbiting its star in the constellation Pegasus, some 150 light years from Earth\'s solar system. Scientists have used an infrared spectrum -- the first ever obtained for an extrasolar planet -- to analyze Osiris\' atmosphere, which is said to contain dust but no water. The planet\'s surface temperature is more than 700 Celsius (1330 Fahrenheit).\' (credit:Getty)
Planet & Its Parent Star(04 of05)
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Picture released 04 October 2006 by the European Space Agency shows an artist\'s impression of a Jupiter-sized planet passing in front of its parent star. Such events are called transits. When the planet transits the star, the star\'s apparent brightness drops by a few percent for a short period. Through this technique, astronomers can use the Hubble Space Telescope to search for planets across the galaxy by measuring periodic changes in a star\'s luminosity. The first class of exoplanets found by this technique are the so-called \'hot Jupiters,\' which are so close to their stars they complete an orbit within days, or even hours. A seam of stars at the centre of the Milky Way has shown astronomers that an entirely new class of planets closely orbiting distant suns is waiting to be explored, according to a paper published 04 October 2006. An international team of astronomers, using a camera aboard NASA\'s Hubble telescope, delved into a zone of the Milky Way known as the \'galactic bulge\', thus called because it is rich in stars and in the gas and dust which go to make up stars and planets. The finding opens up a new area of investigation for space scientists probing extrasolar planets - planets that orbit stars other than our own. AFP PHOTO NASA/ESA/K. SAHU (STScI) AND THE SWEEPS SCIENCE TEAM (credit:Getty)
Hot Jupiter(05 of05)
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Picture released 04 October 2006 by the European Space Agency shows an artist\'s impression of a unique type of exoplanet discovered with the Hubble Space Telescope. This image presents a purely speculative view of what such a \'hot Jupiter\' (word dedicated to planets so close to their stars with such short orbital periods) might look like. A seam of stars at the centre of the Milky Way has shown astronomers that an entirely new class of planets closely orbiting distant suns is waiting to be explored, according to a paper published 04 October 2006. An international team of astronomers, using a camera aboard NASA\'s Hubble telescope, delved into a zone of the Milky Way known as the \'galactic bulge\', thus called because it is rich in stars and in the gas and dust which go to make up stars and planets. The finding opens up a new area of investigation for space scientists probing extrasolar planets - planets that orbit stars other than our own. AFP PHOTO NASA/ESA/K. SAHU (STScI) AND THE SWEEPS SCIENCE TEAM (credit:Getty)


Key Senate Scandal Quotes
Prime Minister Stephen Harper, question period, Feb. 13(01 of18)
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\"In terms of Sen. Wallin, I have looked at the numbers. Her travel costs are comparable to any parliamentarian travelling from that particular area of the country over that period of time. For instance, last year Sen. Wallin spent almost half of her time in the province she represents in the Senate. The costs are to travel to and from that province, as any similar parliamentarian would do.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld)
Wallin speaking Wednesday in her own defence(02 of18)
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\"By throwing a member of this Senate under the bus, finding her guilty without a fair hearing such as any other Canadian could expect — a right guaranteed us by the charter — to proceed without the evidence having been adduced and considered on which the charge in the motion is based, is a fundamental affront to Canadian democracy and makes a mockery of this chamber. This charade is supposedly about preserving the reputation of this place, but the real intent is to remove a perceived liability — namely, me.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)
Harper on Wallin's expenses, question period, Feb. 14(03 of18)
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\"The senator and all other senators and members of the House are fully prepared and committed to have an examination of expenses to ensure that they are appropriate. That is the commitment the government has made in both chambers, a commitment we will keep.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS)
Harper in question period on May 28 on when he learned that former chief of staff Nigel Wright personally wrote a $90,000 cheque to cover Sen. Mike Duffy's expenses(04 of18)
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\"Mr. Speaker, I have been very clear on this question. This matter came to my attention two weeks ago, after speculation appeared in the media. On Wednesday, May 15, I was told about it. At that very moment, I demanded that my office ensure that the public was informed, and it was informed appropriately.\" (credit:HE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld)
Duffy in the Senate on Oct. 22(05 of18)
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\"I made one last effort. I said: \'I don\'t believe I owe anything, and besides which, I don\'t have $90,000.\' \'Don\'t worry,\' Nigel said. \'I\'ll write the cheque.\'\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)
Harper in question period, May 28(06 of18)
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\"As I have said repeatedly, my first knowledge of this was on the date and at the time indicated. Prior to that point in time, it was my understanding that Mr. Duffy had paid back his own expenses.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld)
Harper in question period, May 28(07 of18)
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\"If the leader of the NDP is suggesting I had any information to the contrary from Mr. Wright prior to this, that is completely false. I learned of this on May 15 and immediately made this information public, as I have said many times.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld)
Harper in question period, June 4(08 of18)
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\"Mr. Speaker, that information was already made public on Feb. 13, and I have been very clear about this. Mr. Duffy approached me after a caucus meeting to discuss this matter. From the beginning, my position has been clear: any inappropriate expenses should be refunded to taxpayers by the senators concerned.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS)
Duffy in his Oct. 22 Senate speech(09 of18)
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\"I\'ve violated no laws, I\'ve followed the rules.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair in question period June 4(10 of18)
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\"Mr. Speaker, why then did the Prime Minister, last week, deny instructing any members of his personnel to settle the Mike Duffy matter when he gave that order with that personnel present in the room at a caucus meeting in February of this year?\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)
Harper, in reply to Mulcair in question period June 4(11 of18)
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\"Mr. Speaker, it was my view from the beginning that any inappropriate expenses by any senator should be repaid by the senator, not by somebody else. That was very clear. Those are the facts obviously before us. As I say, my statements on this matter have been very clear and very consistent.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS)
Harper in question period June 5 explaining his meeting with Duffy(12 of18)
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\"Mr. Duffy was seeking clarification on remarks I had made to this effect in caucus and I was adamant that any inappropriate expenses had to be reimbursed by him.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jake Wright)
Duffy in the Senate Oct. 22(13 of18)
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\"So after caucus on Feb. 13 of this year, I met the prime minister and Nigel Wright, just the three of us. I said that despite the smear in the papers, I had not broken the rules, but the prime minister wasn\'t interested in explanations or the truth. It\'s not about what you did; it\'s about the perception of what you did that has been created in the media.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld)
Harper in question period Oct. 23, referring to Duffy's account of the Feb. 13 meeting(14 of18)
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\"No, Mr. Speaker I absolutely did not say that.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld)
Duffy to the Senate on Oct. 22(15 of18)
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\"I argued: I\'m just following the rules like all of the others. But it didn\'t work. I was ordered by the prime minister: Pay the money back, end of discussion. Nigel Wright was present throughout, just the three of us.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)
Harper in question period on June 5(16 of18)
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\"I have made it very clear what my views were to all my staff and to our caucus. We expect inappropriate expenses to be reimbursed and I would expect they would be reimbursed by the person who incurred them. I would certainly not expect them to be reimbursed by somebody else.\" (credit:GETTY IMAGES/Simon Hayter)
Harper in question period on June 5(17 of18)
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\"Mr. Speaker, as I have indicated, Mr. Wright informed me of his personal cheque on May 15. This was an error in judgment. He indicated he did this because he believed that taxpayers should be reimbursed and he was prepared to ensure that happened, as in fact it did happen. However, obviously this was an error in judgment for many reasons that have already been outlined and for that reason, I accepted his resignation.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS)
Harper at a news conference on July 6 in Calgary(18 of18)
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\"I think if you read the affidavit it makes very clear that the decision to pay money to Mr. Duffy out of Mr Wright’s personal funds was made solely by Mr. Wright and was his responsibility. Obviously, had I known about this earlier I would never have allowed this to take place. When I answered questions about this in the House of Commons I answered questions to the best of my knowledge.\" (credit:THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jeff McIntosh)
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