運動すると鍛えられるのは体だけではない 脳にもよい効果がある(研究結果)

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研究は若い10組の一卵性双生児たちを被験者にして行われた。双子のうち「活動的な方は活動的でない方よりも平均して1週間に3時間多くジョギングをした」と、健康情報ウェブサイト「HealthDay」は伝える。また、The New York Times紙によると、双子は運動習慣は異なるものの、食習慣には大きな違いはなかったという。








今回の研究は、『Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise』誌の2015年3月号に掲載されている



思考能力が上がる(01 of07)
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Earlier this year, Dartmouth researchers added support to mounting evidence about the way that exercise affects learning and mental acuity: it boosts the production of “brain derived neurotrophic factor\" -- or BDNF – a protein that is thought to help with mental acuity, learning and memory. (credit:shutterstock)
子供のADHD症状を緩和する(02 of07)
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In the same Dartmouth study, the researchers discovered that, thanks to the BDNF boost, exercise also helped to alleviate ADHD-like symptoms in juvenile rats. Since BDNF is involved in the brain\'s development and growth of new cells, the effect was more profound on the younger rats, with their still-developing brains and more rapid cell turnover, compared to adult rats. (credit:Alamy)
新しい技能の習得に役立つ(03 of07)
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Even one exercise session can help you retain physical skills by enhancing what\'s commonly known as \"muscle memory\" or \"motor memory,\" according to new research published in PlosOne. \n\nAs the New York Times reported, men who were taught to follow a complicated pattern on a computer and subsequently exercised were better able to remember the pattern in subsequent days than the men who didn\'t exercise after the initial squiggle test. (credit:AP)
問題解決能力を向上させる(04 of07)
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In one study, mice that exercised by running not only generated new neurons, but those neurons lit up when the mice performed unfamiliar tasks like navigating a new environment. (credit:Alamy)
うつ状態を緩和する(05 of07)
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When you exercise, your pituitary gland releases endorphins to help mitigate the physical stress and pain you are experiencing. But those endorphins may play a more important and longer-lasting role: they could help alleviate symptoms of depression, according to a Mayo Clinic report. (credit:Alamy)
ストレスをやわらげる(06 of07)
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Although exercising raises our levels of cortisol -- the hormone that causes physical stress and is even associated with long-term memory impairment -- its overall effect is one of a stress reducer. That\'s because exercise increases the body\'s threshold for cortisol, making you more inured to stressors. (credit:Alamy)
加齢とともに記憶力が低下するのを遅くする(07 of07)
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As we get older, an area of the brain called the hippocampus shrinks. That\'s why age is associated with memory loss across the board. However, profound memory loss -- such as in dementia and Alzheimer\'s disease patients -- is also contributed to by accelerated hippocampus shrinking. Luckily, the hippocampus is also an area of the brain that generate new neurons throughout a lifespan. And, the research shows, exercise promotes new neural growth in this area. (credit:Alamy)


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