オリンピック記者会見 選手らにも汚染水の質問相次ぐ












(YouTube「選手本位の五輪アピール 東京、体操田中選手ら」より。)


・記者会見に望んだ選手のアピール内容を追加(2013/09/06 12:57)

・初回の記者会見を別ページに分割(2013/09/06/ 14:16)


2012年 ロンドン五輪 ハイライト
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epa03320379 Fireworks lights the sky over the Tower Bridge in London during the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games, London, Britain, 27 July 2012. The 2012 Summer Olympic Games will be held in London from 27 July to 12 August 2012. EPA/ROBIN UTRECHT (credit:EPA時事)
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epa03320281 Britain\'s Queen Elizabeth II (C) and her husband Prince Philip (R), Duke of Edinburgh and the President of the International Olympic Committee Count Jacques Rogge (L) seen on the stands during the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games, London, Britain, 27 July 2012. The 2012 Summer Olympic Games will be held in London from 27 July to 12 August 2012. EPA/MICHAEL KAPPELER (credit:EPA時事)
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epa03320394 Performers during the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games, London, Britain, 27 July 2012. EPA/IAN LANGSDON (credit:EPA時事)
ロンドン五輪開会式・川を疾走する聖火(04 of21)
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五輪スタジアムの横を流れる川をボートで疾走する聖火=2012年7月27日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
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epa03320932 Performers in the Olympic Stadium during the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games in London, Britain, 27 July 2012. The 2012 London Olympic Games run through the closing ceremony on 12 August. EPA/DENNIS M. SABANGAN (credit:EPA時事)
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epa03320952 Fireworks explode over the Olympic Stadium during the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games in London, Britain, 27 July 2012. The 2012 London Olympic Games run through the closing ceremony on 12 August. EPA/DENNIS M. SABANGAN (credit:EPA時事)
ロンドン五輪・三宅のジャーク(07 of21)
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重量挙げ女子48キロ級、銀メダルを獲得した三宅宏実のジャーク=2012年7月28日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
ロンドン五輪・笑顔を見せるアーチェリー女子日本チーム(08 of21)
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銅メダルを獲得し笑顔を見せる、アーチェリー女子団体の(左から)早川漣、蟹江美貴、川中香緒里(イギリス・ロンドン)\n撮影日:2012年07月29日 (credit:AFP時事)
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epa03327026 Kaori Matsumoto of Japan (white) fights with Corina Caprioriu of Romania in the Women -57 kg gold medal match at the London 2012 Olympic Games Judo competition, London, Britain, 30 July 2012. EPA/CHRISTOPHE KARABA (credit:EPA時事)
ロンドン五輪・4位に終わった北島(10 of21)
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競泳男子200メートル平泳ぎ決勝を終え4位に終わった北島康介=2012年8月1日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
ロンドン五輪・銀メダルを獲得した入江(11 of21)
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競泳男子200メートル背泳ぎの銀メダルを胸に歓声に応える入江陵介=2012年8月2日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
ロンドン五輪・2位に喜ぶ男子メドレーチーム(12 of21)
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競泳男子400メートルメドレーリレー決勝で2位になり喜ぶ(上左から)入江陵介、松田丈志、北島康介。下は藤井拓郎=2012年8月4日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
ロンドン五輪・内村の演技(13 of21)
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体操男子種目別ゆか決勝。内村航平の演技=2012年8月5日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
ロンドン五輪・歓喜の日本チーム(14 of21)
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フェンシング男子フルーレ団体で決勝進出を決め喜ぶ太田雄貴(左から3人目)ら日本チーム(イギリス・ロンドン)\n撮影日:2012年08月05日 (credit:EPA時事)
ロンドン五輪サッカー女子決勝・アメリカ-日本/ドリブルする大野(15 of21)
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アメリカ戦の前半、ドリブルする大野忍(手前)=2012年8月9日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
ロンドン五輪・吉田を肩車する栄監督(16 of21)
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スリング女子フリースタイル55キロ級で優勝した吉田沙保里(左)を肩車する栄和人監督=2012年08月09日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
ロンドン五輪バレーボール女子3位決定戦・日本-韓国/喜ぶ木村ら(17 of21)
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韓国に勝利し、喜ぶ木村沙織(中央上)、荒木絵里香(右)、迫田さおり(左)ら=2012年08月11日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
ロンドン五輪・両手を挙げる村田(18 of21)
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ボクシング男子ミドル級決勝の試合が終わり、勝利をアピールする村田諒太(手前)。奥はエスキバ・フロレンティノ(ブラジル)(英国・ロンドン)\n撮影日:2012年08月11日 (credit:AFP時事)
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epa03360571 Scottish singer Annie Lennox performs during the Closing Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games, London, Britain, 12 August 2012. EPA/BERND THISSEN (credit:EPA時事)
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epa03360859 A general view during the Closing Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games, London, Britain, 12 August 2012. EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA (credit:EPA時事)
ロンドン五輪・熱演するザ・フー(21 of21)
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閉会式のフィナーレで熱演するザ・フーのロジャー・ダルトリー(左)とピート・タウンゼント=2012年08月12日、イギリス・ロンドン (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発 地下汚染水の視察
福島原発・福島第1原発を茂木経産相が視察(01 of12)
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1、2号機の海側で行われている、地下汚染水の対策現場を視察する茂木敏充経産相(中央)=8月26日午後2時45分、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・視察する廃炉安全監視協議会(02 of12)
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放射能汚染水漏れを受け、東京電力福島第1原子力発電所を視察する廃炉安全監視協議会のメンバー=4月24日午後、福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・福島第1原発を茂木経産相が視察(03 of12)
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汚染水の漏えいが見つかったタンク(正面)周辺を視察する茂木敏充経済産業相(右)=8月26日午後、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原子力発電所[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・説明を受ける廃炉安全監視協議会のメンバー(04 of12)
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放射能汚染水漏れがあった東京電力福島第1原子力発電所の配管について、東電の担当者から説明を受ける廃炉安全監視協議会のメンバー=4月24日午後、福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・福島第1原発を茂木経産相が視察 (05 of12)
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1、2号機の海側で、地下汚染水の対策現場を視察する茂木敏充経産相(右手前)ら。中央の円柱状のものは遮水壁=8月26日午後2時41分、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・第1原発敷地内の汚染水タンク(06 of12)
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東京電力福島第1原子力発電所の敷地内に立ち並ぶ汚染水タンク(手前)=3月5日(時事通信社チャーター機より撮影) (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・敷地内に並ぶ汚染水を貯蔵するタンク(07 of12)
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敷地内に並ぶ汚染水を貯蔵するタンク=3月1日午後0時6分、福島県大熊町[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・敷地内に並ぶ汚染水を貯蔵する大型タンク(08 of12)
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敷地内に並ぶ汚染水を貯蔵する大型タンク=3月1日午後0時24分、福島県大熊町[代表撮影] \n (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・海側で行われている地下汚染水の対策(09 of12)
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1、2号機の海側で行われている地下汚染水の対策。手前は地下水のくみ上げ設備。中央奥に遮水壁がある=8月26日午後2時49分、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・下汚染水の対策現場で地下水のくみ上げを行っている設備 (10 of12)
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1・2号機の海側で行われている、地下汚染水の対策現場で、地下水のくみ上げを行っている設備=8月26日午後2時48分、福島県大熊町の東京電力福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・汚染水を入れるG6タンク増設エリア(11 of12)
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汚染水を入れるG6タンク増設エリア=6月11日午前11時28分、福島県大熊町の福島第1原発[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
福島原発・汚染水流出防止の護岸工事 (12 of12)
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汚染水の海洋流出防止のため、東京電力福島第1原発2号機の取水口付近で行われている護岸の地盤改良工事=22日午後7時[代表撮影] (credit:時事通信社)
東京オリンピック(1964) 画像集
東京五輪(01 of29)
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スタンドで観戦する読売巨人軍の長嶋茂雄(中央右)と王貞治(同左)(東京・国立競技場) \n\n撮影日: 1964/10 (credit:時事通信社)
Japanese Royals(02 of29)
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Crown Prince Akihito of Japan watches the start of the marathon at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, accompanied by his wife Michiko and their son Naruhito (known as Prince Hiro). (Photo by Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) (credit:Central Press via Getty Images)
Opening Ceremonies(03 of29)
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Pictured here is Tokyo Stadium at the opening ceremonies of the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 10, 1964. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
1964 Summer Olympics(04 of29)
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Vapor trails from Japanese Air Force jets from the Olympic emblem of five rings above the National Stadium in Tokyo today for the official opening of the XVIII Olympiad, first even held in Asia, Oct. 10, 1964. More than 7,000 athletes from 94 nations are competing. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Opening Ceremonies(05 of29)
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Pictured here is Tokyo Stadium at the opening ceremonies of the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 10, 1964. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Postage stamp commemorating Tokyo Olympics(06 of29)
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JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 06: Postage stamp commemorating the Tokyo Olympics, 1964, depicting the Olympic flame. Japan, 20th century. Japan (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images) (credit:DEA / A. DAGLI ORTI via Getty Images)
Postage stamp commemorating Tokyo Olympics(07 of29)
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JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 06: Postage stamp commemorating the Tokyo Olympics, 1964, depicting weight lifting. Japan, 20th century. Japan (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images) (credit:DEA / A. DAGLI ORTI via Getty Images)
Postage stamp commemorating Tokyo Olympics(08 of29)
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JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 06: Postage stamp commemorating the Tokyo Olympics, 1964, depicting football match. Japan, 20th century. Japan (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images) (credit:DEA / A. DAGLI ORTI via Getty Images)
Postage stamp commemorating Tokyo Olympics(09 of29)
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JAPAN - SEPTEMBER 06: Postage stamp commemorating the Tokyo Olympics, 1964, depicting horse riding, swimming, fencing, running and pistol shooting. Japan, 20th century. Japan (Photo by DeAgostini/Getty Images) (credit:DEA / A. DAGLI ORTI via Getty Images)
Olympic Summer 1964 Tokyo Japan Olympis Stadium Opening Ceremony(10 of29)
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Aerial view of the Olympic stadium in Tokyo on Oct. 10, 1964 as teams of the countries represented filed in for the ceremonial opening of the Olympic Games. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Yoyogi National Gymnasium(11 of29)
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An aerial view of the Yoyogi National Gymnasium, circa 1965. Designed by Kenzo Tange to house the swimming and diving events in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, it is now a major venue for basketball and ice hockey. (Photo by Three Lions/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) (credit:Three Lions via Getty Images)
Olympic Village(12 of29)
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The construction of the National Gymnasium of the Olympic Village at Yoyogi in Tokyo, where the athletes will live for the duration of the games, 6th June 1964. The building was designed by Japanese architect Kenzo Tange. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) (credit:Keystone via Getty Images)
東京オリンピック準備(13 of29)
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駒沢は明治神宮外苑について東京大会の第2会場となる。右上はサッカーが行われる陸上競技場。左下はレスリング会場となる体育館(東京・世田谷区)\n\n撮影日:1964年03月 (credit:時事通信社)
Opening Ceremonies(14 of29)
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Pictured here are the festivities at the opening ceremony of the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 10, 1964. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
東京五輪・開会式 (15 of29)
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東京五輪開会式で入場する日本選手団(東京・国立競技場) \n\n撮影日: 1964/10/10 (credit:時事通信社)
Tokyo Olympic Opening Ceremony(16 of29)
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TOKYO - OCTOBER 10: The Olympic flag is being carried during the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic at the National Stadium on October 10, 1964 in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Sankei Archive via Getty Images) (credit:Sankei Archive via Getty Images)
Torch Lighting(17 of29)
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Pictured here are the stairs leading the Olympic Torch at Tokyo Stadium at the opening ceremonies of the 1964 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 10, 1964. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
The 1964 Tokyo Olympic Opening Ceremony(18 of29)
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TOKYO, JAPAN - OCTOBER 10: The Olympic fflag flies over the scoreboard showing the list of the parade of Nations during the opening ceremonies for the XVIII Olympiad at the Olympic Stadium on October 10, 1964 in Tokyo, Japan. (Photo by Michael Ochs Archive/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** (credit:Getty Images)
Olympic Village(19 of29)
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Members of the Tokyo Olympic Committee make a final inspection of the Olympic Village at Yoyogi in Tokyo, where the athletes will live for the duration of the games, 1964. The site, formerly called Washington Heights, was once home to US soldiers and their families. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Olympic Village(20 of29)
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The National Gymnasium of the Olympic Village at Yoyogi in Tokyo, where the athletes will live for the duration of the games, 1964. (Photo by Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Pole Vaulting Of John Pennel At The Olympic Games Of Tokyo In 1964(21 of29)
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JAPAN - JANUARY 01: Pole Vaulting Of The American John Pennel Fro The Final Of The Olympic Games Of Tokyo In 1964. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Polina Astakhova(22 of29)
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Soviet gymnast Polina Astakhova of the Ukraine after a training session before the Tokyo Olympics, 8th October 1964. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
Shuji Tsurumi With Rings At The Olympic Games Of Tokyo 1964(23 of29)
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JAPAN - APRIL 18: The Japanese Shuji Tsurimi With Rings At The Olympic Games Of Tokyo On October 19, 1964. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) (credit:Getty Images)
1964 Summer Olympics(24 of29)
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1964 Summer Olympics -- Pictured: Japanese spectators outside the Olympic Stadium in Tokyo, Japan -- Photo by: NBCU Photo Bank (credit:Getty Images)
Japan Tokyo Streets(25 of29)
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The changing face of Tokyo shows itself in this view which includes the gigantic Miyake-Zaka underground highway interchange on April 13, 1964. It is one of many construction jobs through which Tokyo is preparing for the Olympics opening next October and for its future growth. Roads and subways being built are behind the needs. (AP Photo/Koichiro Morita) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Tokyo Japan Streets(26 of29)
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In a race to catch up with traffic, work is rushed on a mammoth highway interchange at Miyake Zaka in Tokyo on April 13, 1964. When the $34 million project is completed, two arterial highways will crisscross underground. Much of the road construction in Tokyo is done at night as the city gets ready for the Olympics opening in October. (AP Photo/Koichiro Morita) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Japan Tokyo Streets(27 of29)
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New freeways are rushed on Dec. 16, 1963 as part of the gigantic face-lifting Tokyo is getting for the Olympics opening in October 1964. Buildings and bridges also are going up so fast that some critics warn that safety sometimes is passed up. An elevated expressway and a swimming pool roof under construction collapsed with one death and 25 injuries. (AP Photo) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
Olympic HQ(28 of29)
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September 1964: Olympic cars lined up outside the old palace in Tokyo which is the headquarters of the Olympic Committee. (Photo by Douglas Miller/Keystone Features/Getty Images) (credit:Douglas Miller via Getty Images)
Emblems Of The Olympic Games And Of The City Of Tokyo On The Shops 1959(29 of29)
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JAPAN - JUNE 01: The Shop Keepers Installing The Emblems Of The Olympic Games And Of The City Of Tokyo Next To One Another For The Coming Games Which Would Take Place In The Japanese Capital On June 1, 1964. (Photo by Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images) (credit:Keystone-France via Getty Images)