JR福知山線脱線事故10年 3つの成果、3つの葛藤、3つの課題

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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN - APRIL 25: Rescue workers attempt to free trapped passengers from a crushed commuter train after it derailed and plowed into an apartment building on April 25, 2005 in Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture, Japan. 49 people have so far been confirmed as dead. (Photo by Getty Images)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(01 of71)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(02 of71)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(03 of71)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(04 of71)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(05 of71)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(06 of71)
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JR福知山線で起きた快速電車脱線衝突事故で兵庫医科大学病院に運び込まれる負傷者(25日午後1時40分ごろ、兵庫・西宮市) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(07 of71)
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JR福知山線で起きた快速電車脱線事故で、遺族との面会を終え、報道陣の前で頭を下げるJR西日本の垣内剛社長(25日午後9時37分、兵庫県の尼崎市記念公園総合体育館) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(08 of71)
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遺体安置所になっている体育館の入り口で、JR西日本の広報担当者(中央下、後ろ姿)に取材しようと殺到する報道陣(25日夜、兵庫・尼崎市記念公園総合体育館) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(09 of71)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(10 of71)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(11 of71)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(12 of71)
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日が暮れるJR福知山線・快速電車脱線衝突事故現場(25日午後6時50分ごろ、兵庫・尼崎市) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(13 of71)
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照明灯の明かりを受け、JR福知山線快速電車脱線衝突事故現場から搬出される遺体を載せた担架。右は4両目、左は5両目の事故車両(26日午後9時50分、兵庫・尼崎市) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(14 of71)
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JR福知山線の快速電車脱線事故現場では発生から4日目にようやく救助活動が終了。マンション1階部分から重機が先頭車両の部品などを搬出した(午後9時ごろ、兵庫県尼崎市) \n\n撮影日:2005年04月28日
JR福知山線脱線事故(15 of71)
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JR福知山線快速電車脱線衝突事故現場で、クレーンなど重機を使い本格的に始まった脱線した車両の撤去作業(26日午後0時半すぎ、兵庫・尼崎市) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(16 of71)
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JR福知山線で起きた快速電車脱線衝突事故原因についての記者会見の冒頭、頭を下げる村上恒美常務(右端)らJR西日本幹部(26日午後、大阪市北区のJR西日本本社) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(17 of71)
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JR福知山線の快速電車脱線事故の犠牲になったテレビ大阪東京支社代表の小杉繁さん、靖子さん夫妻の告別式で、出棺する2つの棺(大阪市北区天神橋の公益社会館) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(18 of71)
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同志社大学で開かれたJR福知山線の快速電車脱線事故犠牲者のための祈とう会。約1500人の学生らが学友の魂の平安を祈った(午後、京都府京田辺市の同志社大京田辺キャンパス) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(19 of71)
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JR福知山線の快速電車脱線事故現場のそばに設置された台に献花する人たち(午後6時49分、兵庫県尼崎市) (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(20 of71)
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JR福知山線脱線事故(21 of71)
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JR福知山線の快速列車脱線事故から1カ月たち、初めて報道陣に公開された事故現場のマンション付近(兵庫・尼崎市) 撮影日:2005年05月26日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(22 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(23 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(24 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(25 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(26 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(27 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(28 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(29 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(30 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(31 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(32 of71)
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JR福知山線の脱線事故で、先頭車両が突っ込んだマンション「エフュージョン尼崎」 撮影日:2005年05月30日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(33 of71)
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快速電車脱線事故車両が激突したマンション(右)脇を通過するJR福知山線上り始発電車。運転室内でJR西日本の垣内剛社長らが犠牲者を悼み敬礼をした(兵庫・尼崎市) \n\n撮影日:2005年06月19日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(34 of71)
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JR福知山線が運転再開し、快速電車脱線事故現場のカーブを通過する電車。正面の建物は激突したマンション(兵庫・尼崎市) \n\n撮影日:2005年06月19日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(35 of71)
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JR福知山線の電車脱線事故現場を訪れ、献花する小泉純一郎首相(兵庫県尼崎市) \n\n撮影日:2005年08月20日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(36 of71)
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JR福知山線快速電車脱線事故発生から5カ月。「慰霊と安全のつどい」で鎮魂歌を合唱後、献花を済ませて退出する犠牲者友人らの混声合唱団(兵庫・尼崎市) \n\n撮影日:2005年09月25日 (credit:時事通信社)
JR福知山線脱線事故(37 of71)
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JR福知山線快速電車脱線事故の意見聴取会を終え会見する遺族の浅野弥三一さん(右端)、事故で重傷を負った小椋聡さん(右から2人目)ら(東京・国土交通省) \n\n撮影日:2007年02月01日 (credit:時事通信社)
Over view of the train crashed site in A(38 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Over view of the train crashed site in Amagasaki, in Hyogo prefecture, 25 April 2005. At least three people were killed and 140 others were injured 25 April when a train packed with commuters crashed into a car in western Japan, smashing one carriage onto an apartment building, officials said. The train carrying some 200 passengers was travelling at 70 kilometers (43 miles) an hour in Hyogo prefecture when it crashed into the car at a railway crossing, sending it screeching to a halt, a spokesman for West Japan Railway Co. said. AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
Rescue workers look for survivors among(39 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Rescue workers look for survivors among the wreckage of train carriages in Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture, 25 April 2005. At least three people were killed and 140 others were injured 25 April when a train packed with commuters crashed into a car in western Japan, smashing one carriage onto an apartment building, officials said. The train carrying some 200 passengers was travelling at 70 kilometers (43 miles) an hour in Hyogo prefecture when it crashed into the car at a railway crossing, sending it screeching to a halt, a spokesman for West Japan Railway Co. said. A FP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
Over view of the train crashed site in A(40 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Over view of the train crashed site in Amagasaki Hyogo prefecture, 25 April 2005. At least three people were killed and 140 others were injured 25 April when a train packed with commuters crashed into a car in western Japan, smashing one carriage onto an apartment building, officials said. The train carrying some 200 passengers was travelling at 70 kilometers (43 miles) an hour in Hyogo prefecture when it crashed into the car at a railway crossing, sending it screeching to a halt, a spokesman for West Japan Railway Co. said. AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
An injured passenger is treated near the(41 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: An injured passenger is treated near the site of the train crash in Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture, 25 April 2005. At least three people were killed and 140 others injured 25 April when a train packed with commuters crashed into a car in western Japan, smashing one carriage onto an apartment building, officials said. The train carrying some 200 passengers was travelling at 70 kilometers (43 miles) an hour in Hyogo prefecture when it crashed into the car at a railway crossing, sending it screeching to a halt, a spokesman for West Japan Railway Co. said. A FP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
Rescue workers carry an injured passenge(42 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Rescue workers carry an injured passenger from the wreckage of a train carriage in Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture, 25 April 2005. At least 16 people were killed and 185 were injured after a train carrying some 200 passengers crashed into a car at a railway crossing, sending it screeching to a halt, a spokesman for West Japan Railway Co. said. AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
Rescue workers look for survivors from t(43 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Rescue workers look for survivors from the wreckage of train carriages in Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture, 25 April 2005. At least 16 people were killed and 140 others injured after a train carrying some 200 passengers crashed into a car at a railway crossing, sending it screeching to a halt, a spokesman for West Japan Railway Co. said. AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
Rescue personnel work at the train crash(44 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Rescue personnel work at the train crash site in Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture, 25 April 2005. At least 16 people were killed and 140 others injured after a train carrying some 200 passengers crashed into a car at a railway crossing, sending it screeching to a halt, a spokesman for West Japan Railway Co. said. AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
Rescue workers carry out a passenger fro(45 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Rescue workers carry out a passenger from the wreckage of a train carriage in Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture, 25 April 2005. At least 37 people were killed and 240 others injured 27 April in western Japan when a commuter train derailed, sending one carriage hurtling into an apartment block in the nation\'s deadliest rail accident in 14 years. AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
Rescue workers carry out a passenger fro(46 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Rescue workers carry out a passenger from the wreckage of a train carriage in Amagasaki, Hyogo prefecture, 25 April 2005. At least 37 people were killed and 240 others injured 25 April in western Japan when a commuter train derailed, sending one carriage hurtling into an apartment block in the nation\'s deadliest rail accident in 14 years. AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
Unidentified men are escorted to offer b(47 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Unidentified men are escorted to offer bouquet of flowers for train crash victims near the crashed site in Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 27 April 2005. 90 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after a train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
A passenger carriage of a commuter train(48 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: A passenger carriage of a commuter train is lifted by a crane to remove debris and search for survivors and dead bodies in Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 27 April 2005. 90 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after a train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
Police officers inspect the crashed comm(49 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Police officers inspect the crashed commuter trains and search for survivors and dead bodies in Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 27 April 2005. 90 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after a train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
Policemen gaze at the crashed site of a(50 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Policemen gaze at the crashed site of a commuter train to remove debris of the wrecked train and search for survivors and dead bodies in Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 27 April 2005. 90 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after a train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
A rescue worker shows the direction to a(51 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: A rescue worker shows the direction to a fellow worker as they remove debris from the wrecked train and search for survivors and dead bodies in Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 27 April 2005. 90 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after a train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
A reporter takes a rest on the ground ne(52 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: A reporter takes a rest on the ground near a flower bouquet placed near the train crashed site at Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 27 April 2005. 90 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after a train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
A press photographer takes pictures befo(53 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: A press photographer takes pictures before a policeman standing guard while flower bouquets are placed near the train crashed site at Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 27 April 2005. 90 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after a train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
Relatives of a train crash victim leave(54 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Relatives of a train crash victim leave a gymnasium used as a temporary morgue after they checked the body in Amagasaki, near Osaka, western Japan, 26 April 2005. 73 passengers were killed and more than 400 injured after the train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
Relatives of a train crash victim leave(55 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Relatives of a train crash victim leave a gymnasium used as a temporary morgue after they checked the body in Amagasaki, near Osaka, western Japan, 26 April 2005. 73 passengers were killed and more than 400 injured after the train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
Police officers, forming a line, gaze at(56 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Police officers, forming a line, gaze at the wreckage of the crashed commuter train at Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 26 April 2005. 73 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after the train derailed and crashed into a building. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
A railway officer passes before the dera(57 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: A railway officer passes before the derailed and crashed commuter train at Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 26 April 2005. 71 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after the train derailed and crashed into a building. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
Police officers inspect the derailed and(58 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Police officers inspect the derailed and crashed commuter train at Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 26 April 2005. 71 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after the train derailed and crashed into a building. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
Police investigators inspect part of a d(59 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Police investigators inspect part of a derailed commuter train in Amagasaki near Osaka, western Japan, 26 April 2005, a day after 73 passengers were killed and some 450 injured when the seven-car commuter train jumped the tracks. Rescuers early 26 April pulled three survivors and more bodies from the wreckage of the train, with a new derailment northeast of Tokyo raising fresh safety concerns following recent rail privatisation. AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read AFP/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:AFP via Getty Images)
An unidentified man carries a bouquet of(60 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: An unidentified man carries a bouquet of flowers for train crash victims in Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 27 April 2005. 91 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after a train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
A Japan West Railway staff carries a bou(61 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: A Japan West Railway staff carries a bouquet of flowers for train crash victims near the commuter train crashed site in Amagasaki city near Osaka, western Japan 27 April 2005. 91 passengers were killed and some 440 injured after the train derailed and crashed into a building 25 April. AFP PHOTO/Yoshikazu TSUNO (Photo credit should read YOSHIKAZU TSUNO/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:YOSHIKAZU TSUNO via Getty Images)
Japan Railway West (JR West) workers off(62 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Japan Railway West (JR West) workers offer prayers to a dead body, covered by police and carried to a morgue, at the commuter train crash site in Amagasaki near Osaka, western Japan 28 April 2005. The death toll in Japan\'s worst train crash in four decades topped the 100 mark. AFP PHOTO (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
Police officers (F) inspect rail tracks(63 of71)
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AMAGASAKI, JAPAN: Police officers (F) inspect rail tracks while a Japan Railway West employee uses an earth digger to remove debris from the commuter train accident site in Amagasaki near Osaka, 02 May 2005, one week after the passenger train derailed and crashed to an apartment building which killed 107 passengers. AFP PHOTO/JIJI PRESS (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images) (credit:STR via Getty Images)
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Police and firefighters conduct a rescue operation after a commuter train derailed in Amagasaki, western Japan, Monday, April 25, 2005. The seven-car commuter train, carrying 580 passengers, derailed and plowed into an apartment building, killing 49 people and injuring more than 340 others in the deadliest rail accident here in more than a decade. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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Police and firefighters conduct a rescue operation after a commuter train derailed in Amagasaki, western Japan, Monday, April 25, 2005. The seven-car commuter train, carrying 580 passengers, derailed and plowed into an apartment building, killing 49 people and injuring more than 340 others in the deadliest rail accident here in more than a decade. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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Investigators examine a commuter train derailed in Amagasaki, western Japan, Monday, April 25, 2005. The seven-car commuter train, carrying 580 passengers, jumped the tracks and hurtled into an apartment complex, killing 49 people and injuring more than 340 others in the deadliest rail accident here in more than a decade. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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Rescuers gather around the wreckage of a derailed commuter train in Amagasaki, western Japan, Monday, April 25, 2005. The seven-car commuter train, carrying 580 passengers, derailed and plowed into an apartment building, killing 50 people and injuring more than 340 others in the deadliest rail accident here in more than a decade. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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Police investigators examine the tracks after a commuter train derailed in Amagasaki, western Japan, Monday, April 25, 2005. The seven-car commuter train, carrying 580 passengers, jumped the tracks and hurtled into an apartment complex, killing 50 people and injuring more than 340 others in the deadliest rail accident here in four decades. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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Rescuers gather around the wreckage of a derailed commuter train after a rescue operation in Amagasaki, western Japan, Monday, April 25, 2005. The seven-car commuter train, carrying 580 passengers, derailed and plowed into an apartment building, killing 50 people and injuring more than 340 others in the deadliest rail accident here in more than a decade. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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Japanese media use crane vehicles to film an accident site in Amagasaki, western Japan Tuesday morning, April 26, 2005. A packed commuter train jumped the tracks on Monday and hurtled into an apartment complex, killing at least 71 people and injuring more than 440 others in the deadliest Japanese rail accident in four decades. (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara) (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)
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A police stands watch as the wrecked front end car is pulled out from a parking of an apartment in Amagasaki, Thursday, April 28, 2005. Rescue workers on Thursday pulled from the wreckage of Japan\'s worst train disaster in decades the uniformed body of the 23-year-old driver who is at the center of the crash investigation, bringing the death toll to 106. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) ** JAPAN OUT MANDATORY CREDIT ** (credit:ASSOCIATED PRESS)